Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Avocado?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Can dogs eat avocado? The question cannot be answered by a simple yes or no. Although avocado is potentially harmful to dogs, its dangers are often exaggerated in reports. The truth is the fruit can be safely fed to pooches when prepared properly.

Let us weigh the pros and cons of feeding avocados to dogs and learn how they should be ideally served to your pet.

Does avocado have health benefits for dogs?

Avocado is a nutritious food addition to your furry friend’s meals. This fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals such as amino acids, antioxidants, fiber, folate, magnesium, niacin, potassium, and vitamins A, B3, B6, C, and E.

These nutrients aid in nourishing the body and offer a handful of health benefits such as:

  • Smooth digestive function
  • A stronger immune system that can fight off diseases
  • Low cholesterol level
  • Healthy skin and lustrous coat
  • Good and clear eyesight

Avocados may be rich in vitamins and minerals, but there are still drawbacks to consider. As you read on, you will learn what harm avocados can do to dogs.

What are the risks of feeding avocados to dogs?

can dogs eat avocado pits

1. Potentially toxic

Are avocados poisonous? Yes, as avocados produce persin, which is a fungicidal toxin that is found in all parts of the fruit. The flesh of the avocado only contains small traces of persin.

The toxin is more concentrated in the avocado plant’s bark and leaves as well as its fruit’s pits and skin.

Also, it should be noted that unripe avocados have higher levels of persin. However, this poisonous compound mostly affects birds and large animals such as cows and horses.

Dogs have a higher resistance against the fruit’s toxin as long as they only consume ripe avocados.

If you suspect that your dog has ingested highly toxic parts of the avocado, watch out for the following signs of poisoning:

  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty eliminating

Take your dog to the vet immediately if he exhibits these clinical signs. With prompt diagnosis and treatment, your dog is more likely to recover quickly.

2. Beware of choking risks

Can you give dogs avocado

Some pet owners may wonder, “Can dogs eat avocado pits?” The answer is no. Never let your dog eat an avocado pit.

It is a golf-size seed found in the middle of the fruit. This makes it an extremely dangerous choking hazard, aside from being poisonous.

If ingested, the avocado pit can get stuck in his throat and block his airway. It may also cause an intestinal blockage that needs urgent medical attention.

Keep in mind that some parts of the avocado fruit, like its stems, leaves, and skin, present the same risks.

If you have avocado trees in your backyard, make sure that they are properly fenced. Pick up fallen fruits to prevent your dog from eating any of them. As an extra precaution, supervise your dog when he goes out in the yard.

In the kitchen, properly dispose avocado pits and other parts of the fruit. Teach children what human foods can be harmful to their furry friends to avoid sharing any of these with them.

3. Contributes to unhealthy weight gain

Note that the fruit’s flesh contains fatty acids that boost digestion. While these healthy fats are one of the benefits of avocado, the high-fat content has its downsides.

Feeding your dog too much of the fruit will result in gastric problems such as constipation and diarrhea. Other health issues may also arise, including excessive weight gain and obesity.

In worst cases, dogs might develop pancreatitis, which is characterized by the inflammation of the pancreas. Common symptoms of this condition are vomiting, lack of energy, inappetence, and lethargy.

4. May trigger allergic reactions

Keep in mind that some dogs suffer from food allergies. If it is your first time introducing avocado to your dog, avoid serving it in large amounts. Set a limit to prevent a strong allergic reaction in case he is indeed allergic to it.

Look out for signs of allergy such as itchiness, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, ear infections, and red and inflamed skin. If your furry friend displays these symptoms, bring him to the vet to get a proper diagnosis.

How much avocados can dogs have?

how much avocado can a dog eat

Limit the avocado servings you give to your dog to reduce the danger of poisoning. Pooches can have a maximum of 2–3 bite-sized chunks of avocado without risking their health.

Make sure to remove the skin and pit of the fruit, and cut its flesh into thin slices to prevent choking accidents.

Can puppies eat avocado?

No, feeding avocado to puppies is discouraged. Since puppies are in their growth and developmental stage, they require a strict balanced diet. They also have a more sensitive digestive system compared to adult dogs.

Allowing puppies to consume avocado may upset their stomach and also cause nutritional imbalance. For this reason, it is best to stick with feeding them puppy food that completely caters to their dietary needs.

What forms of avocado are safe for dogs to eat?

Avocados are versatile fruits as they can be prepared in various ways. However, some avocado-based food is dangerous to your canine companion and should be kept away from his food bowl.

Can dogs eat avocado oil?

Avocado oil is made from the flesh of the avocado. It is good for dogs since it has low persin content and contains some health benefits. Avocado oil is high in good fats and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Avocado oil improves the quality of your dog’s joints, skin, and coat. Thus, it is relatively safe for dogs.

However, keep in mind that avocado oil has a high fat content, so it is best not to go overboard when incorporating it into your dog’s diet.

Can dogs eat guacamole?

can dogs eat guacamole

Dogs can eat guacamole if it is bland. Onions, tomatoes, salt, and garlic should not be added to the guacamole. Onions and garlic contain toxins that can be harmful if ingested in large amounts.

Too much salt can lead to kidney problems. Tomatoes are relatively safe for dogs, but they can also cause stomach problems if eaten in large quantities.

Can dogs eat avocado, yes or no?

The bottom line is feed avocado to your dog at your own discretion. Just keep in mind to remove the most toxic parts of the fruit.

Only serve fully ripened avocados in small amounts to avoid the risk of poisoning and other undesirable adverse effects.

If you prefer to err on the side of caution, there are many dog-friendly alternatives to avocados such as bananas, blueberries, and apples.