Can Dogs Eat Cabbage? Is It Better Raw or Cooked?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Cabbage? Is It Better Raw or Cooked?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Can dogs eat cabbage? Yes, they can! Cabbage is a good source of fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, calcium, magnesium, and potassium that offer numerous health benefits to dogs. These include improving their digestive functions and keeping their heart in good condition,

Read on to learn the best way to prepare this veggie for your dog.

Is cabbage good for dogs?

If you are looking for nutritious leafy greens to supplement your dog’s diet, cabbage is one of the top choices. It is packed with soluble fiber and essential nutrients that can strengthen your dog’s body and immune system.

Cabbage is rich in vitamins B1, B6, C, and K. It is chock full of minerals, including copper, manganese, and potassium. Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable; it contains high antioxidants.

All these combined make cabbage a superfood for dogs. Adding this vegetable to your dog’s meals will provide them with many health benefits.

These are some of the benefits of cabbage to dogs:
these are some of the benefits of cabbage to dogs infographic

  1. Cabbage fights off free radicals and prevents the development of cancer.
  2. It can reduce the risk of a dog becoming susceptible to many health issues, such as heart disease.
  3. It promotes a healthy gastrointestinal system and smooth digestion.
  4. It improves skin and coat health and helps ease skin conditions.

Should you choose to incorporate cabbage into your dog’s diet, consult your veterinarian first. Depending on the dog’s health condition and age, every dog has different nutritional needs. Thus, it is important to provide him with a diet that meets his dietary requirements.

Can dogs eat raw cabbage?

can dogs eat raw cabbageServing raw cabbage to dogs is not recommended. Raw cabbage contains a natural compound called thiocyanate that suppresses the thyroid gland. If a large amount of raw cabbage is ingested by a dog, it can result in adverse side effects, specifically hypothyroidism.

Inflammation of the thyroid gland characterizes this condition. Eventually, hypothyroidism will cause the thyroid to shrink and lower the production of thyroid hormones.

For this reason, feeding cabbage to dogs, especially those that suffer from hypothyroidism, should be avoided.

Some breeds are more prone to hypothyroidism, like the Golden Retriever, Dobermann Pinscher, and Irish Setter, which should be prohibited from eating raw cabbage.

Can dogs eat cooked cabbage?

cooked cabbage for dogs

The best way to serve cabbage to your dog is by cooking it, preferably by steaming it. This cooking process will deactivate the thiocyanate in raw cabbage and preserve the vitamins and minerals found in the vegetable.

Can dogs eat red cabbage?

can dogs eat red cabbageYes, red cabbage is good for dogs as it is thought to have strong cancer-fighting properties. Other types of veggies from the cabbage family are safe to share with Fido as well. These include napa cabbage, green cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and kohlrabi.

Can dogs have cabbage as part of their regular diet?

can dogs have cabbageCabbages are a nutritious addition to your dog’s diet. Cabbage should be served to dogs sparsely, though. Otherwise, digestive issues may occur, such as stomach pains and diarrhea. That’s because cabbage has high fiber content, and allowing Fido to consume it in large amounts will badly affect his digestive system.

With this in mind, feed your dogs small quantities of cabbage. The recommended serving is around 1/8 to 1/4 cup. Gradually introduce cabbage to your dog. Do this by serving it in small amounts.

Always remember to avoid making sudden dietary changes. Dogs have sensitive digestive systems, and abrupt alterations to their meals can lead to gastric upset. For the first 24 hours after feeding cabbage, watch out for signs of stomach problems. Watery stools mean his digestive tract is not taking it well.

A guide on how to prepare cabbage for your dog

can dogs eat cabbageHere’s a quick and easy guide on how to prepare cabbage for your dog to eat:

  • Choose organic cabbage as it’s less exposure to chemicals.
  • Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage. Then rinse the vegetable thoroughly to get rid of dirt and chemical residues.
  • Slice the cabbage into small pieces for easy consumption and digestion.
  • Steam the cabbage for at least eight to ten minutes.
  • Allow it to cool and serve it to your pooch plain.
  • Remember to follow the recommended serving quantity.

Home-made Cabbage Dog Treats

home made cabbage dog treatPlain cabbage can be boring sometimes, and even your furry friend may lose interest in it. So, why not turn it into a delicious dog treat? Here’s a cabbage recipe that is guaranteed to get Fido’s tail wagging:

dog treat recipesCabbage Dog Cakes


  • 2 eggs
  • 6 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 160 ml of milk
  • 200 g of grated cabbage
  • 245 g of wholemeal flour


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. In a medium-size bowl, mix the flour and the shredded cabbage.
  3. Melt the butter in a saucepan.
  4. In another mid-size bowl, lightly whisk the eggs. Then add the milk and melted butter.
  5. Pour the wet ingredients into the first bowl. Stir the mixture until well-combined.
  6. Spoon at least two tablespoons of the mixture into each cupcake mold or in a muffin baking tray.
  7. Bake for approximately twenty minutes and then leave to cool before serving.

What other vegetables are healthy for dogs?

10 healthy veggies for dogs infographicDoes your dog find cabbage unappetizing? Don’t worry. There are plenty of alternative nutritious vegetables dogs can eat, such as:

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