Can Dogs Eat Seaweed?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Seaweed?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Can dogs eat seaweed? Yes, seaweed is a superfood for dogs. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, calcium, iron, and potassium. Having said that, some types of seaweed are off-limits to dogs as they can cause severe health problems such as severe kidney damage and fatal intestinal obstruction.

Check if the seaweed variety you want to share with your dogs is safe for him with the help of the information below.

seaweeds for dogs infographic

Is seaweed good for dogs?

Yes, seaweed is a superfood that’s good for dogs since it is full of nutrients. But some seaweed varieties can be dangerous to dogs as they can potentially cause severe health problems.

Learn what types of seaweed are good and what are bad for your pooch by reading on.

Can dogs eat wakame seaweed?

wakame seaweedYes. Wakame seaweed is a healthy food for dogs since it is abundant in vitamins and minerals. Wakame seaweed contains vitamins A, B2, B9, C, D, E, and K, together with calcium, iron, and potassium.

This seaweed is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, specifically eicosapentaenoic acid. This seaweed is proven to be one of the richest plant resources of the said nutrient.

Can dogs eat kelp seaweed?

Yes, dogs can eat kelp seaweed. Kelp is one of the natural resources with the highest amount of amino acids. Kelp seaweed is composed of 25% protein and 2% fat which are all beneficial to a dog’s health.

Moreover, around sixty different amino acids, vitamins, and minerals are found in kelp. These are vital in maintaining healthy thyroid function and blood circulation in dogs.

Note that kelp seaweed coming from US waters is high in pollutants. Those that grow along the coast contain plenty of toxic chemicals too. So, avoid buying kelp from this region to safeguard your dog from the dangers of poisoning and other health problems.

Can dogs have nori seaweed?

can dogs have nori seaweedNori seaweed is safe for dogs to consume in small amounts. Nori seaweed offers a good supply of vitamin B12. Having said that, do not allow your dog to eat excessive quantities of nori as it has trace amounts of harmful chemicals, including arsenic and cadmium.

Can dogs eat kombu seaweed?

Yes, dogs can eat kombu seaweed since it is non-toxic and an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Kombu seaweed offers vitamins C, B, D, and E coupled with calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, silica, and zinc.

Store-bought Kombu is usually sold pickled in vinegar. Do not share this with your pup, as it can cause digestive problems such as diarrhea and an upset stomach.

Can dogs have seaweed supplements?

can dogs have seaweed supplementsYes, seaweed supplements are good for your dog, provided that they are specifically formulated for canines. However, it is crucial to talk to your vet first before administering any supplements to your pooch.

Kelp supplements have trace amounts of arsenic, while nori supplements contain small quantities of mercury. Your vet will help you determine the right dosage of these seaweed supplements to prevent overdosing and arsenic or mercury poisoning.

Supplements intended for humans are dangerous for your dog since a dog’s metabolism differs from ours. Moreover, supplements also contain preservatives that can cause adverse side effects on dogs, which include severe poisoning.

Can dogs eat seaweed snacks?

No, commercially produced seaweed snacks for humans often contain high amounts of salt. If consumed excessively, seaweed snacks can lead to dehydration and sodium poisoning in dogs.

Some seaweed snacks are sprinkled with garlic and onion powder, which is very deadly to dogs. It possesses compounds that destroy red blood cells and induce hemolytic anemia.

Can dogs have dried seaweed sheets?

Yes, dried seaweed sheets are fine for dogs. They are rich in proteins and soluble fiber. Ample amounts of vitamins and minerals are found in dried seaweed sheets too. These include vitamins C, B, and E, as well as zinc and copper.

Some of the benefits of seaweed sheets include supporting an efficient anti-tumor response and proper immune system function.

When purchasing seaweed sheets, always check the sodium content. Ensure that it is not flavored and has low levels of salt to reduce the chances of your dog experiencing kidney problems or sodium poisoning.

Can dogs eat dried seaweed on the beach?

can dogs eat seaweed 1Dogs are curious animals and opportunistic eaters. If they see dried-up seaweed on the beach, they might decide to chew or carry it in their mouth. You should avoid this from happening at all costs as some dried wild seaweed on beaches is extremely deadly to dogs.

As stated in a Telegraph article, approximately a third of dogs who ingest dried-up seaweed die.

There are several reasons why dried seaweed is very lethal to dogs. Dry seaweed found on the beach shrinks to a fraction of its size when it’s dried up. It may look as thin as a pencil, but it can grow as big as the size of a leg once it absorbs liquid.

If ingested, it will expand in a dog’s digestive system and cause intestinal blockage. This is a severe condition that requires immediate veterinary treatment. Without proper medical care, it will cut off the blood supply to the digestive tract, resulting in stomach rupture.

Dried seaweed contains high levels of salt and is contaminated with hazardous chemicals as well. Some may even have critters on them, such as jellyfish, which can trigger allergies if accidentally consumed by dogs.

That’s why it is a good idea to keep a close eye on your pup while taking a walk on the beach.

How Much Seaweed Should Dogs Eat?

how much seaweed should dogs eatSmall dogs can have ⅛ of a teaspoon of powdered seaweed daily. Large dogs should have no more than ¼ of a teaspoon. Grinding seaweed sheets in a food processor and using the powdered form as a food topper is the easiest way to incorporate it into your dog’s meals.

Seaweed may be a superfood that offers lots of health benefits for our canine friends; however, feeding your dog an excessive amount of seaweed will negate any positive effects. Dogs that consume too much of it may suffer from digestive problems, including vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea.

The best preventive measure that you can take is to limit your dog’s seaweed consumption to small amounts. If you plan to make seaweed a regular part of your dog’s diet, ensure that it will not cause a nutritional imbalance in your furry friend by consulting the vet first.

How to Feed Seaweed to Your Dog

Seaweed is very chewy and difficult to digest. Since many dogs love to gobble up their food, seaweed can easily get lodged in the dog’s throat and cause choking. Sometimes, it can lead to stomach problems or, in severe cases, intestinal blockage.

It is recommended that you opt for dried seaweed strips or ground seaweed. Make sure to chop the seaweed strips into small pieces to prevent your dog from choking. You can mix the seaweed into his dog food to make it more appetizing for him.