Can Dogs Eat Edamame?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Edamame?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Can dogs eat edamame? Yes, the nutrient-loaded edamame beans are a good snack for dogs. These immature soybeans have a sweet and tender taste that pooches will love. They are also packed with fiber, protein, calcium, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

But dog owners should know that feeding their dogs edamame also has drawbacks. Know the advantages and disadvantages of edamame as a dog treat, discover the reason why edamame should not be part of a dog’s regular diet, and the best method to serve this veggie to dogs.

Health Benefits of Edamame

A bowl of edamame.
Edamame beans provide many vital nutrients such as protein, calcium, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. Here is a list of health benefits of these vitamins and minerals that your pooch will enjoy:

  • Protein

    Edamame is an excellent source of protein, which boosts your dog’s energy. It is essential in maintaining a healthy coat and skin as well as normal hair growth.

    Protein also plays a significant part in repairing and building muscles and other body tissues. Plus, it aids in creating important chemicals and enzymes in the body.

  • Calcium

    Edamame contains a substantial amount of calcium, crucial for strong teeth and bone growth.

    Moreover, it supports healthy cell and muscle development and promotes proper blood circulation.

  • Fiber

    Edamame has a high fiber content. It is also low in calories; thus, these beans are good dog treats for overweight and obese pooches.

    Fiber works with isoflavones, which are also found in edamame, to combat bad cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

    They prevent the accumulation of plaque in the arteries and veins. As a result, it eases pressure on the blood vessels and inhibits blood clots, and reduces the risk of stroke or heart attack.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    These healthy fats can be found in edamame. They help reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes.

    Omega-3 fatty acids are also effective in warding off other health problems, including lymphoma, allergies, and arthritis, due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

    These fatty acids keep our dog’s skin and coat healthy and shiny. They enhance kidney and cognitive functions as well.

  • Vitamin C

    Edamame is a valuable source of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. It effectively fights off free radicals and protects cells from oxidative damage.

    Vitamin C also aids in inflammation and cognitive aging prevention. Note that our dogs’ bodies naturally produce vitamin C. Thus, edamame works as a supplement to their diet to make the most out of the health benefits vitamin C offers.

Potential Health Risks of Edamame

A bowl filled with edamame.
Since edamame is just an unripe soybean, it also shares the same side effects as its full-grown counterpart. The most common concerns when it comes to feeding edamame to dogs are allergies and the veggie’s association with many health problems:

  • Triggers Allergies

    Soy is one of the most prevalent causes of allergies in dogs. So, be sure to serve edamame in small amounts if it is your dog’s first time eating it. Look for signs of allergic response after he finishes consuming the food.

    Pooches with allergies often deal with itchiness, relentless scratching, diarrhea, vomiting, irritated skin, hair loss, and chronic skin and ear infections. If he starts exhibiting these symptoms, stop giving your dog edamame and take him to the vet for treatment.

  • Believed to Cause Several Diseases

    Soy-based diets for dogs are linked to the development of many illnesses. They contain phytoestrogens, which cause abnormal production of the hormones. Regular or excessive soy food consumption can result in liver damage, thyroid problems, and disruption in the reproductive system, especially in female dogs.

    It is important to know that these diseases will most likely occur if your dog’s diet is predominantly composed of soy. So there is no need for you to avoid edamame entirely, but be sure to feed it to your dog sparsely and in moderation.

  • Contains Antinutrients

    Edamame contains antinutrients, particularly lectins, that interfere with the absorption of minerals in the body. It can lead to gastric problems in dogs, such as bloat and diarrhea. In some cases, the leaky gut syndrome may also develop, which is associated with several health issues like arthritis and autoimmune disease.

  • GMO Edamame May Contain Harmful Compounds

    GMO edamame produces high levels of a carcinogen known as glyphosate. It is a toxic compound that eliminates good gut bacteria. This causes the canine immune system to weaken.

    For this reason, buying organically grown edamame is a better option. This type is free from artificial growth hormones and other chemicals used in growing GMOs. Check the labels before purchasing edamame. Make sure they are labeled organic or have a non-GMO claim.

How to Feed Edamame Beans to Dogs

Piles of edamame beans.
Consider buying organically produced edamame beans since they have less exposure to pesticides. Dogs can be given cooked, frozen, or raw edamame beans.

Always remove edamame pods or shells when preparing the beans. Technically, these are edible to dogs. However, vets discourage dog owners from feeding their pets edamame shells.

The highly fibrous body of the pod is hard to digest and can cause digestive upset and flatulence. Moreover, it also puts dogs, especially smaller breeds of dogs, in danger of choking and stomach blockage.

If you opt to serve cooked edamame to your pooch, it would be best to serve it boiled or steamed.

The beans are usually paired with salt, garlic, chili, or soy sauce. Dog owners should be aware that these ingredients are dangerous to dogs, so it is best not to add them when cooking edamame for your dog.

Avoid sharing fried and baked edamame with Fido since these are full of salt, oil, and spices. It can lead your furry friend to develop a string of health problems, from pancreatitis to sodium poisoning.

Processed edamame snacks are not good for him as well. These human foods often contain high levels of sodium and preservatives. They may also contain ingredients toxic to dogs, such as garlic or onion powder.

How Much Edamame Should Dogs Eat?

A bowl of edamame beans.
Dogs can eat edamame, but pawrents should set strict consumption limits. The recommended amount of edamame to give to a dog is 4–5 beans.

However, start by giving him 1–2 beans to avoid upsetting his digestive system. You can gradually increase the amount of edamame over time if your dog does not show any sign of stomach problems.

Gorging on these beans is not safe for dogs as it can trigger stomach problems. Pooches that overeat edamame may experience abdominal bloating and extreme gassiness.

Be sure to consult the vet before incorporating edamame into your dog’s diet. They will confirm if it is appropriate for his nutritional needs. Once the vet gives their consent, feed your dog edamame in small amounts.