Can Dogs Eat Eggplant?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Can dogs eat eggplant? Yes. Generally, eggplant is safe for dogs to consume. Plus, its nutritional content shields their heart and immune system from debilitating diseases. But on the other hand, feeding eggplant to dogs could also cause certain health issues, such as kidney issues.

But do not keep this fruit off your dog’s diet just yet. Fortunately, some of its health hazards can be easily avoided by taking a few precautions, which we will discuss as you continue reading.

What Are the Health Benefits of Eggplants to Dogs?

Different types of eggplants on a white surface. Eggplant, also known as aubergine, has a good nutritional value, which is beneficial for the overall health of dogs. The fruit is loaded with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B6, and K, calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Here are the potential health benefits pooches can reap from this fruit:

  • Low Caloric Content

    Eggplant is a suitable snack for dogs that are struggling to lose weight. A cup of raw eggplant contains 20 calories; thus, the fruit does not make them pack extra pounds.

    Eggplant also contains large amounts of dietary fiber that aids in weight loss. Adding this to your dog’s diet will make him eat less but feel full.

  • Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease

    Eggplant plays a big role in fighting off canine heart diseases as it contains dietary fiber, potassium, phytonutrients, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. The fruit also contains anthocyanins which help lower blood pressure in dogs.

  • Wards Away Various Health Issues

    Eggplant has high amounts of chlorogenic acid and anthocyanin phytonutrient known as nasunin. Both aid a dog’s immune system in keeping diseases at bay, including cancer and viral infections.

  • Potentially Improve Cognitive Ability

    There are many anecdotal claims that nasunin in eggplant can improve canine brain function. However, more research is still required to prove these claims.

What Are the Potential Dangers of Feeding Eggplant to Dogs?

Raw eggplants on a wooden surface.When thinking about the question, “Can dogs eat eggplant?” it is natural to mull over the possible side effects the fruit can do on your furry friend.

Here are the main health concerns dog owners need to know about feeding eggplants to dogs:

  • Contains Solanine

    Eggplant is a part of the nightshade family, which naturally produces an alkaloid called solanine. It is toxic to dogs if consumed in large amounts.

    High concentrations of solanine can be found on the eggplant’s leaves, stems, flowers, and vines. On the other hand, the fruit has a significantly lower solanine content.

    If you grow this fruit in your garden, ensure it is securely fenced to keep your dog from munching on the plant.

  • Can Cause Kidney Problems

    Many fruits and vegetables, including eggplant, contain oxalates. This compound hinders the absorption of calcium and binds it in the bloodstream.

    Excessive consumption of oxalates can lead to kidney and bladder stones. This can result in painful urination problems and ureteral blockage, so eggplants should be kept out of the diets of dogs with kidney problems.

  • May Trigger Inflammation

    The cholinesterase found in eggplants has anti-inflammatory blocking abilities. Thus, dogs eating eggplant can aggravate inflammation. The fruit is not the best snack for dogs suffering from arthritis.

  • Possible Allergic Reaction

    Some dogs have an allergic reaction to eggplant. It can cause discomforting symptoms to affected canines, such as vomiting, diarrhea, itching, rash, and hives.

    Dogs showing these signs after eating an eggplant should be taken to the vet for a check-up.

Is Eggplant Good for Dogs In General?

Different types of raw eggplants.Because of these health concerns, eggplant is not the best snack choice for dogs. However, it can still be beneficial and safe for dogs to consume so long as it is given in small amounts.

How Much Eggplant Is Safe for Dogs to Consume?

There is no clear-cut rule on the maximum amount of eggplant you can feed your dog. But it is recommended that toy and small dog breeds should only consume 1 small slice of eggplant.

Medium dog breeds can have 3 slices of eggplant. On the other hand, large dog breeds are allowed to have up to 6 slices of the fruit.

If it is your dog’s first time eating eggplant, initially serve it in small amounts to prevent stomach upset. Look out for probable signs of an allergic reaction after your pet consumes eggplant. If the signs manifest, do not feed him eggplant any longer.

What Kinds of Eggplants Are Safe for Dogs?

Different types of raw eggplants on a tin tray. Various types of eggplants can be cooked in many ways, and certain parts of the eggplant should not be given to a dog.

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant Skin?

Yes, dogs can eat eggplant skin, but it is not recommended. It is high in fiber and may cause digestive upset if consumed. Thus, peel off the skin first before serving the eggplant to your furry friend.

Can Dogs Have Eggplant Seeds?

No, feeding eggplant seeds to dogs is not a good idea. Although these are small and soft, they can obstruct your dog’s stomach if ingested in large quantities. So when you feed eggplant to your dog, get rid of the seeds beforehand.

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant Leaves?

No, eggplant leaves are poisonous to dogs as they have higher concentrations of toxins. Ingesting them can result in severe side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, and breathing difficulties.

Can Dogs Eat Purple Eggplant?

Three purple eggplants.Yes. Arguably one of the most popular types of eggplants, the purple variety is okay for dogs to consume. As advised, it should be fed in moderation to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Green Eggplant?

Raw green eggplants.Yes, green eggplant is safe for dogs to eat. Note that it has a bitter taste, so it might not be an enticing snack for them.

Can Dogs Eat Red Eggplant?

Yes, dogs can eat red eggplant. Much like its green counterpart, it also has a bitter taste, and your furry friend may not be fond of it.

Can Dogs Eat Yellow Eggplant?

Yes, yellow eggplant is safe for dogs. As it has a much more bitter taste than the other eggplant varieties, it might not be the most delicious snack for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Eggplant?

`A plate full of cooked eggplant. Yes, dogs can eat cooked eggplant. It is preferable to feed it to them raw, which will make it difficult for their stomach to digest.

You can boil and steam eggplant. However, frying it should be avoided. The frying process may eliminate the saponins, but the oil can cause gastric distress to your dog.

Cook and serve the eggplant plain to your furry friend. Do not add other ingredients as they may be bad for his health.

Do Not Forget to Consult the Vet

Not every dog-safe fruit or vegetable is appropriate for all pooches. Eggplant may be too dense or low in nutrients for some dogs. It is always a good idea to speak to the vet first when adding any new fruit or vegetable to your dog’s diet, especially if your dog has certain health issues.