Can Dogs Eat Mango?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Mango?
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Can dogs eat mangoes? Mangoes are great for maintaining your dog’s overall health. Mangos contain more than 20 types of vitamins and minerals, most notably vitamins A, B6, and C as well as copper, magnesium, and potassium.

Aside from learning the health benefits of mangoes, knowing their potential drawbacks and side effects on dogs is a must for safe feeding. Get to know all this crucial information as you read on.

Mango is a generally safe snack for dogs because of its high nutritional content. However, pet owners should not give mango to dogs with food allergies.

If you’re giving your dog mango for the first time, give him only a few small pieces to prevent an allergic reaction. Watch for any signs of allergies such as itchiness, hives, vomiting, diarrhoea, frequent scratching, or inflamed skin. Bring him to the vet immediately if he displays these symptoms.

Mango is not recommended for diabetic dogs as it is high in sugar, which can be detrimental to their health. If you have a dog with diabetes, ask the vet first before giving your pooch mangoes.

Are mangoes good for dogs to eat?

can dogs have mangoMango is considered a superfood because it is packed with nutrients. It is a fantastic source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that promote optimum body health. Here are some of the health benefits your dog can get from mangoes.


  • Get rid of free radicals and protect the body from diseases

High in fibre and water content

  • Fibre and water ensure that the digestive system is functioning efficiently.

Vitamin A

  • Improves vision, bone, and immune system

Vitamin B6

  • Promotes healthy brain function and is necessary for protein synthesis and heart health


  • Supports healthy kidney, nerve, and heart function

Vitamin K

  • Plays a significant role in blood clotting

Vitamin C

  • Beneficial for senior dogs or ill dogs as it helps to reduce inflammation and cognitive ageing
  • Low in cholesterol, fat, and sodium
  • Aids in weight loss and keeps diseases such as obesity and pancreatitis at bay

What are the downsides of feeding mangoes to dogs?

Are mangoes good for dogs to eatAlthough mangoes are packed with nutritional benefits and health perks, they possess some health hazards that pet owners should not overlook. Learning about these risks will help you understand how you can feed mangoes safely to dogs.

  1. Mangoes have high sugar content.

    Although dogs love mango, they should not eat too much of it. One whole mango contains about 46 grams of sugar. Feeding your dog mango in excessive quantities can result in health problems, including periodontal diseases and diabetes.

  2. Too much fibre from mangoes causes gut problems.

    Since the fruit is also high in fibre, it may also cause digestive problems, including diarrhoea and stomach upset. Given the undesirable side effects, mango should only be given as an occasional snack and not a part of your dog’s daily diet or regular pet food.

  3. Mangoes may trigger skin allergies.

    The skin and stem of mangoes produce the chemical urushiol, which contains allergenic properties. It can cause skin issues like rashes and itchy skin, especially in dogs with skin sensitivity.

    The mango tree’s trunk and branches as well as the unripe fruit’s skin produce mangiferen, resinous acid, mangiferic acid, and the resinol mangiferol. These chemicals contain allergenic properties that can cause skin issues. Dogs with skin sensitivities are particularly susceptible to this condition.

    Avoid this danger by using one knife to peel off the mangoes’ skin and then use a different knife to slice their flesh. Doing so prevents the urushiol from contaminating the fruit’s flesh.

  4. Mangoes are significantly high in calories.

    Although mangoes do not contain cholesterol, fats, and sodium, they have a fairly high-calorie content. An average-size mango provides about 150 calories. Dogs gorging on this tropical fruit can lead them to experience unhealthy weight gain, which can result in obesity.

  5. Some parts of mangoes are potentially toxic.

    The leaves of mangoes produce a toxic compound called mangiferine. Cattle and livestock were reported to have suffered from poisoning after consuming mango leaves. With this in mind, make sure to remove mango leaves and throw them properly to keep your dog from getting his paws on them.

    If you have a mango tree in your back garden, fence it securely to make it inaccessible to your canine friend. Additionally, burning mango leaves or branches should be avoided as it produces toxic fumes, which can irritate your pet’s eyes and respiratory system.

How many mangoes can a dog eat?

How many mangoes can a dog eatIf you own a small dog, feed him no more than a one-quarter cup of fresh mango once a week. Larger dogs can have the same amount of mangoes twice a week.

As much as possible, do not overfeed the fruit to your furry pal to avoid health issues like obesity and dental problems from cropping up.

If you are still unsure, do not hesitate to consult the vet, who can advise you on the appropriate amount of mango suitable for your dog.

Ensure that you give your dog small quantities of the fruit, especially if it is his first time eating it. This will lower the risk of upsetting his digestive system.

Can dogs eat mango meat?

can dogs eat mango meatMango meat or mango flesh is not toxic to dogs, so it is okay to feed it to your dog. However, as advised above, avoid overfeeding. Serve mangoes occasionally. Also, make sure to serve small pieces of mango instead of large chunks to prevent choking.

Can dogs eat mango seed?

Avoid feeding your dog mango pits or seeds. Due to its large size and hardness, it is a serious choking hazard. When ingested, mango seed can cause bowel obstruction.

Mango pits also contain small amounts of cyanide, which is a poisonous chemical. Although it is only present in tiny traces, do not take the risk. Always make sure to remove the seed and only serve the mango flesh to your dog.

Can dogs eat mango skin?

Leave out the mango skin as it is not safe for your dog. It has a compound called urushiol, which can also be found in poison oak and poison ivy, which can cause rashes and itchiness.

Mango skin is composed of ingestible plant cellulose. It is not only difficult to digest, but it can also cause stomach blockage.

Can dogs eat dried mango?

can dogs eat dried mangoDried mango is a processed food that is often high in sugar. It also lacks vitamins and minerals because of the drying process it is subjected to. Thus, it is best to offer fresh and ripe mangoes as dog treats.

Can dogs eat mango popsicles?

mango popsicles for dogsMango popsicles are refreshing treats for your furry companion, especially on a hot day. Make sure to serve homemade and sugar-free mango popsicles. Stay away from store-bought mango popsicles and other artificially flavored mango products. These contain additional sugar, artificial additives, and preservatives that can be harmful to your dog.

How do you serve mango to dogs?

how to serve mango for dogs

Here’s how to properly prepare mango for your furry friend:

  1. When buying mangoes, choose organic ones as they are less exposed to harmful chemicals such as pesticides.
  2. To know if a mango is ripe, the most accurate way is by feeling the fruit with your fingers. Gently squeeze the mango. If it slightly yields to the pressure, then it is ripe. On the other hand, a hard texture means it is not ripe yet.
  3. Peel off the skin and remove the pit.
  4. Slice the mango meat into 1-inch strips for easier chewing.
  5. Serve it to your dog, either fresh or frozen. You can also add it as a topping to his dog food.

Home-made Mango Dog Treat

There are many delectable ways to serve mango, but here are 2 easy recipes that your dog will surely enjoy.

Chicken Mango Biscuit


  • 3/4 cup whole wheat flour, plus additional for dusting
  • 1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup chopped fresh mango
  • 1 egg, optional
  • 4 ounce boneless and skinless chicken breast, cooked and chopped


  1. Preheat the oven to 350˚F.
  2. Mix the chicken, cinnamon, flour, mango, and oats in a large bowl.
  3. If the mixture turns up dry, mix in the egg.
  4. Knead the mixture gently and form it into a ball.
  5. On a floured surface, roll the dough ¼ inch thick.
  6. Using a cooking cutter, cut the dough into desired shapes.
  7. Place them on the parchment-lined baking sheet.
  8. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden.
  9. Allow it to cool and serve it to your dog. Store leftover biscuits in a Ziploc bag or an airtight container and put them in the fridge.

dog treat recipes Milky Mango Sorbet

milky mango sorbet for dogsIngredients


  1. Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until pureed.
  2. Pour puree into a silicone ice cube tray or shallow silicone baking tray.
  3. Freeze overnight and serve it to your pooch.

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