Can Dogs Eat Coconut?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Coconut?
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Can dogs eat coconut? Yes, dogs can eat coconut. Coconut has healthy amounts of fiber, protein, vitamin B6, copper, iron, and selenium.

Discover the health benefits coconut has for dogs and the different coconut products that can be safely added to your dog’s diet.

coconut products for dogs infographic

Is coconut healthy for dogs?

Is coconut healthy for dogsCoconut is a nutritious alternative to commercial dog treats. It is rich in manganese, antioxidants, and lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid. These nutrients help keep your furry companion healthy and strong.

Coconut provides plenty of health benefits, including:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promotes a strong and healthy immune system
  • Enhances the quality of your dog’s skin and coat
  • Helps alleviate irritation caused by certain skin conditions
  • Relieves itchy skin
  • Aids in hastening the healing process of wounds
  • Protects the body from viral infections such as influenza

Is coconut safe for dogs?

Can dogs have coconut meatCoconut and coconut oil do not contain natural toxins, making them safe for dogs to eat. However, if coconut is consumed in large amounts, it can cause digestive issues.

Loose stools, diarrhea, and vomiting are the most common problems caused by ingesting too much coconut. These are caused by medium-chain triglycerides, which can irritate your dog’s digestive tract.

The best way to prevent health issues is to feed your pet coconut in moderation. Coconut is good as a snack but not a part of your dog’s daily diet.

Dogs have a sensitive digestive system that’s easily disrupted by a sudden change in diet. So, pet owners are advised to introduce coconut in small amounts to avoid stomach upset.

Is coconut bad for dogs with diabetes?

Is coconut bad for dogs with diabetesDiabetic dogs should not be given food and snacks that contain high amounts of saturated fat. Since coconut is high in fat content and calories, it is not recommended for dogs with diabetes.

Research studies on whether coconut reduces insulin resistance are not conclusive. So, it is better to get veterinary advice and stick to vet-approved dog food that will provide optimal nutrition for a diabetic dog.

Can dogs have coconut meat?

Can dogs have coconut meatFresh coconut meat is excellent for dogs as it is high in protein and carbohydrates. They give your dog an extra energy boost to do his daily activities. Remember to avoid overfeeding to prevent the onset of stomach upset and other digestive problems.

Another thing you need to keep an eye on is stray bits of coconut shells on the meat. Be sure to remove the shells as they have an extremely tough texture which makes them difficult to digest. It can also put your dog at risk of choking, intestinal obstruction, damaged teeth, and indigestion.

Can dogs have coconut water?

Can dogs have coconut waterYes, dogs can have coconut water. It is full of essential nutrients, including B-vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, iodine, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and zinc.

Coconut water is a refreshing drink for dogs as it is loaded with natural electrolytes. Moreover, it is also believed that coconut water prevents urinary tract infection (UTI) and helps reduce the size of kidney stones.

Just keep in mind that it should not be used as a water substitute. If consumed in large amounts, it can upset your dog’s stomach.

When choosing coconut water, always check the ingredients list, as it may contain preservatives and added sugar that can harm your dog’s health, especially if he is obese or diabetic. Coconut water from fresh coconuts is the best option.

Can dogs have coconut oil?

Can dogs have coconut oilCoconut oil is thought to be beneficial for pooches. It is believed to improve digestion and skin and coat quality. Coconut oil is also said to reduce allergic reactions, and its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce pain and ease inflammation. However, most of these are anecdotal evidence that requires further study.

While this may be the case, there is no harm in feeding coconut oil to your dog as long as it is done in moderation. Never serve it in large amounts as it may cause high cholesterol in dogs. In severe cases, it can clog up the arteries.

Weight gain and the development of pancreatitis are other health conditions caused by excessive coconut oil consumption. Moreover, a dog’s diet rich in high saturated fats can impair a dog’s scent-detecting abilities.

Heart diseases in dogs may also develop from consuming saturated fats. It is important to note that coconut oil is made up of 90% saturated fat. So, be cautious about how much coconut oil you give to your dog.

Can dogs have coconut milk?

Can dogs have coconut milkDogs and coconut milk don’t mix. Dogs with food intolerance or food allergies could suffer from stomach problems when they consume coconut milk. It contains oils that can cause diarrhea, upset stomach, or loose stools.

Avoid packaged coconut milk as they often contain high amounts of sugar and stabilizers such as carrageenan and xanthan gum. These can irritate your dog’s GI tract and cause diarrhea.

Some processed coconut milk also uses a sugar substitute called xylitol, which is highly lethal to dogs.

Can dogs eat coconut flakes?

Can dogs eat coconut flakesCoconut flakes are okay for dogs. The same goes for shredded coconut and desiccated coconut. Always opt for unsweetened coconut flakes. Do not forget to feed in moderation.

Just like other edible parts of the coconut fruit, coconut flakes can cause digestive problems if ingested in large quantities, so only give them to your dog occasionally.

Can dogs eat coconut flour?

Can dogs eat coconut flourCoconut flour is safe for dogs, and it is a good substitute for regular flour. It is low in carbohydrates and a great source of protein and iron.

Studies show that coconut flour ranks low on the glycemic index, so it’s less likely to cause spikes in blood sugar levels. This can be used to make coconut treats for canines with diabetes.

Can dogs eat coconut ice cream?

Can dogs eat coconut ice creamIt is best to stay away from coconut ice cream. Although it may not contain regular milk, it’s bad for dogs because it has preservatives, stabilizing agents, and thickeners that may harm their health. Some coconut ice cream also has high sugar content, which is not suitable for diabetic dogs.

Homemade Coconut Dog Treat

Homemade Coconut Dog TreatIs your furry friend unimpressed with the taste of coconut? Try this easy coconut dog treat recipe that your dog will enjoy:

dog treat recipesCoconut Peanut Butter Candy


  • 1 cup all-natural peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon unprocessed coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • silicone paw print tray

Note: Adjust the amount of coconut oil according to your dog’s weight. The rule of thumb is to use 1 teaspoon of coconut oil per 10 pounds of your dog’s body weight.


  1. Make sure that the coconut oil is in liquid form. If not, melt the solid coconut oil in a small saucepan over medium-low heat.
  2. Add peanut butter and cinnamon. Stir until the mixture is completely smooth. The mixture should be thick but still pourable.
  3. Pour the mixture into the tray and freeze until set.
  4. Carefully remove from the tray and serve to your pooch.
  5. Store leftover treats in an airtight container and place them inside the freezer.