Can Dogs Eat Black Beans?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Black Beans?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Black beans or black turtle beans are known to be one of the healthiest legumes for us. However, are they nutritious for our dogs? Can dogs eat black beans? Yes, black beans are a good source of protein, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and selenium for dogs. Altogether, these nutrients nourish their body and boost their health.

Read on to learn how exactly black beans can benefit our dogs’ health.

6 Health Benefits Dogs Can Get from Black Beans

A bowl filled with raw black beans.Are black beans good for dogs? Yes, they are healthy for our furry companions. This vegetable is loaded with nutrients that offer many health benefits to dogs. Some of these include:

1. Dietary Fiber

Black beans are a great source of dietary fiber, which benefits overweight and obese dogs. Dietary fiber helps burn fat, improves metabolism, and promotes healthy digestion.

These qualities of the vegetable make it suitable for dogs with stomach problems too. In addition, dietary fiber is also known to aid in regulating blood sugar levels.

2. Protein

Black beans are loaded with proteins essential for bone growth and muscle development. Protein is also crucial for repairing and building tissues. It also helps to keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy and shiny.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that safeguards your dog’s body from various diseases. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin C enhances brain function and hinders cognitive aging in dogs.

4. Phytonutrients

Black beans contain many phytonutrients, including anthocyanins, kaempferol, quercetin, and saponins. All of them have antioxidant properties that protect your dog from free-radical damage. They aid in strengthening the immune system and prevent cancer development.

5. Potassium

Black beans offer a good supply of potassium. This mineral plays many useful roles in your dog’s body. Like fiber, it also helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevents diabetes. Potassium supports healthy nerve, muscle, heart, and cognitive functions too.

6. Selenium

Selenium is a mineral found in black beans that promotes detoxification. It cleanses the body by removing cancer compounds and preventing tumor growth in dogs. Selenium also assists enzymes involved in liver functions.

Dry Black Beans vs. Canned Black Beans

A can of black beans opposite a wooden spoon filled with raw black beans.Black beans are usually sold in the market, either canned or dry. The best pick between the two would be the dried beans. Make sure to choose ones that are fresh and free of tiny pinholes, which indicate bug infestation.

Avoid raw beans for dogs as they are difficult to chew. They can cause choking and, in some cases, stomach obstruction since raw black beans are hard to digest.

You will need to cook raw dried black beans before serving them to your dog. Avoid using additional ingredients such as oil, salt, and spices when cooking black beans. These ingredients will only cause digestive upset to your furry friend and make him susceptible to various health problems, including pancreatitis, obesity, and urinary tract issues.

Keep out garlic, onions, and chives, too, as these are highly toxic to dogs. They can induce hemolytic anemia, which is a disease that causes damage to your pup’s red blood cells. This severely affects the oxygen transportation in his body and leads to fatal consequences without proper medical attention. The safest and healthiest way to serve cooked black beans to your dog is simply by boiling them plain.

Some dog owners may still wonder: ‘Can my dog eat canned black beans?’ Yes, but it is not advisable as they often contain high sodium levels and additives.

If you still want to occasionally share canned beans with Fido, look for canned black beans with less sodium content. Also, wash canned black beans thoroughly before cooking to remove some of the salt.

How Many Black Beans Should Dogs Eat?

A wooden spoon filled with raw black beans.Can dogs have black beans regularly? Incorporating black beans into your dog’s diet regularly is not advisable. It is recommended to add only a tablespoon of cooked black beans to dog food now and then. This amount is enough for him to obtain the health benefits this vegetable offers.

The vegetable is high in digestive fiber, which can cause undesirable side effects if ingested in large amounts. Your dog may suffer from digestive problems, including diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, and vomiting.

If it’s your dog’s first time eating black beans, serve them in small amounts to prevent digestive upset. Start by letting him eat a maximum of two or three pieces. If he doesn’t show any signs of stomach problems after a few hours, you can gradually increase the quantity over time. However, make sure not to go beyond the recommended serving.

On the other hand, if he experiences tummy issues, stop feeding him black beans.

How to prepare black beans for your dog

Black beans being cooked in a pan.Here are a few guidelines that you can follow when preparing black beans for your furry pal:

Buy organic dry black beans since they are a safer choice for your dog. Organic dry black beans are less exposed to chemicals compared to commercially produced black beans.

Check the dry black beans as they may contain debris. Some may also contain damaged beans, which often contain larvae of pests that infest the legume. Be sure to remove all of these to keep your dog safe.

Soak dry black beans overnight or for about eight hours. This will make them more digestible and lower the amount of oligosaccharides, which cause gas and stomach upset in dogs.

Cook beans in a pot. Pour in water and let it boil. Then, reduce the heat. After that, remove the pot’s cover and allow the boiled beans to simmer gently for 1 to 1 ½ hour. Once the beans are completely tender, turn off the cooker and allow them to cool. Then, serve it to your dog or put it on top of his homemade dog food.

What Types of Beans Are Bad for Dogs?

Different types of beans that may be bad for dogs.There are so many varieties of beans, but some are harmful to Fido. Refrain from sharing baked beans and chili beans with your dog since they may contain toxic ingredients to dogs, such as garlic and onions. In addition, spicy foods like chili beans can irritate his stomach, causing diarrhea and vomiting.

Avoid feeding coffee beans and raw kidney beans to your dog, too, as they are not safe for canines because they contain compounds that can poison them. Be sure to store these in inaccessible places to your dog to prevent accidents.