Should You Add Sesame Seeds to Your Dog’s Diet? The Pros and Cons

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Should You Add Sesame Seeds to Your Dog’s Diet? The Pros and Cons
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Can dogs eat sesame seeds? Sesame seeds provide fiber and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus to dogs.

However, because they are a high-fat and calorie food, feeding your dog sesame seeds must be done with great moderation to prevent certain health issues from arising.

Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds to Dogs

can dogs eat sesame seeds 3Sesame seeds are full of nutrients that nourish your dog’s body and improve different aspects of his health. Adding them to his meals provides the following health perks:

1. Support better digestion

Sesame seeds for dogs have a high fiber content. They offer over 2 grams of fiber per two tablespoons. While this amount is too much for canines, sprinkling a few sesame seeds on their food will help increase their fiber intake.

Your furry pal needs fiber to ensure a healthy metabolism and a smooth digestive process. It also makes him feel full for longer after meals.

Thus, you will be met with fewer instances of food begging. This aids in keeping your dog from gaining extra pounds, which can eventually lead to obesity.

2. Increase protection against ailments

Sesame seeds for dogs contain healthy plant chemicals called lignans. They possess potent antioxidative properties that shield cells from free radical damage.

Vitamin E, which also functions as an antioxidant, can be found in sesame seeds as well. It works together with lignans to hinder disease-inducing oxidative stress from wreaking havoc on your dog’s body.

3. Promote strong bones and healthy joints

Sesame seeds for dogs are a decent source of calcium and phosphorus. Both minerals are essential for sturdy and normal bone structure in dogs. They improve teeth density as well.

Apart from bone-strengthening nutrients, sesame seeds contain copper. It supports healthy joint lubrication and soothes pains caused by joint problems such as arthritis.

Downsides of Sesame Seeds to Dogs

sesame seeds for dogs infographicDespite the nutritional benefits of sesame seeds, care should be taken when incorporating them into your dog’s diet. Haphazardly feeding sesame seeds to him can lead to undesirable adverse reactions such as:

1. Stomach upset

What happens if a dog eats sesame seeds in large quantities? Gastrointestinal distress may occur if dogs eat sesame seeds excessively due to their elevated fat levels. According to research, sesame seeds contain up to 50% oil.

Consuming too much high-fat food may cause bowel irritation in canines, leading to side effects like:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Flatulence
  • Abdominal pains

In worst cases, overconsumption of sesame seeds can potentially trigger pancreatitis in the long run. It is a serious and painful condition resulting in inflammation of the pancreas.

Therefore, offer sesame seeds to dogs in moderation to prevent these health issues from cropping up.

2. Weight gain

Sesame seeds are loaded with calories. One tablespoon yields around 50 calories. It should be noted that 70% of their calories come from fat.

Putting large amounts of sesame seeds in your dog’s meals can easily lead him to pack extra pounds. This must be prevented as much as possible as it lowers his quality of life.

Mobility issues may arise as his weight increases pressure on his joints. He becomes vulnerable to other canine ailments too, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

3. Allergic reactions

Allergies caused by sesame seeds are a rare occurrence in canines. However, allergic reactions to certain food can suddenly manifest at any point in a dog’s life.

For your canine friend’s safety, introduce sesame seeds to him in small amounts. Observe him for 24 hours to see if he shows signs of allergies, such as diarrhea, vomiting, itchiness, and hives.

Avoid feeding him sesame seeds once he exhibits these symptoms. Take him to the vet for diagnosis to confirm if these adverse reactions are caused by sesame seeds.

Choosing the Right Sesame Seeds for Dogs

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Unhulled sesame seeds are difficult for canines to digest. Moreover, they contain oxalates and phytates, which impede nutrient absorption. Do not feed this type of sesame seeds to your dog.

Go for hulled sesame seeds for dogs instead since they have lower concentrations of antinutrients. If they are not available in your local grocery store, you can use the unhulled variety, but crush them first to remove the hulls.

Alternatively, roasting them for 8 to 10 minutes or soaking them for 8 to 12 hours helps reduce their antinutrient content.

Recommended Serving of Sesame Seeds to Dogs

can dogs eat sesame seeds 7The serving size of sesame seeds you can feed your furry friend will depend on his size.

Toy breeds can have half a teaspoon at most. Small dogs can be fed up to a teaspoon. Medium-sized dogs are fine with half a tablespoon of sesame seeds. Larger breed dogs can have a maximum of a tablespoon.

Ideally, sesame seeds can be added to your dog’s meals once a day, twice a week. The best way to incorporate them into his diet is to mix them with his food. Doing so makes it easier for his stomach to digest them.

What Sesame Seed Food Products Are Dog-Friendly?

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Can dogs eat black sesame seeds?

Many pawrents ask: “Are black sesame seeds safe for dogs?” Black sesame seeds are safe for canine consumption. Make sure to double-check if they are hulled for better nutrient absorption.

Always crush black sesame before sprinkling them into your dog’s food so he can digest them easily. Or you can soak or roast them to achieve the same result.

Can dogs eat black sesame ice cream?

Feeding black sesame seed ice cream to your dog is discouraged. It contains preservatives and artificial coloring, which are unhealthy for him. Some products use xylitol as a sweetener, which can cause severe poisoning in canines.

Can dogs eat sesame seed oil?

Sesame seed oil can be given to dogs in small quantities. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help improve the skin, heart, and cognitive health of canines. Excessive consumption of sesame oil should be avoided to prevent gastric issues and obesity.

Can dogs eat sesame paste?

Sesame paste works great as an occasional dog treat. Mixing it in your dog’s food will encourage him to finish his meals.

However, avoid doing it frequently because this human food is high in fat. Ingesting sesame paste in large amounts will lead to stomach problems.

Can dogs eat bread with sesame seeds?

Plain bread or hamburger buns sprinkled with sesame seeds are safe for dogs to eat. But feed them to your dog in minimal amounts as they are loaded with calories.

However, if the bread comes with other ingredients such as butter, salt, or garlic, keep them away from him. They are unhealthy and dangerous for your dog to consume.

Can dogs eat sesame seed bagels?

Be cautious when sharing sesame seed bagels with dogs. Some varieties contain ingredients such as raisins, chocolate, and garlic, which are toxic to dogs.

The safest option for your dog is plain sesame seed bagels. As with any human food, offer them to him in moderation to avoid unwanted side effects like unnecessary weight gain.

3 Dangerous Seeds for Dogs

3 dangerous seeds for dogs infographicNot all types of seeds are safe for your dog to eat. A fair few of them contain harmful compounds that can induce life-threatening side effects.

Right now you might be wondering: “What seeds are toxic to dogs?” Poppy seeds, alfalfa seeds, and black mustard seeds are toxic to dogs, and here are the reasons why:

1. Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds produce opioids, including codeine and morphine. Once these chemicals make their way to your dog’s body, they can severely damage his central nervous system.

2. Alfalfa Seeds

Alfalfa seeds contain L-canavanine, which is a toxic amino acid. If ingested, they can trigger allergic reactions in dogs. When in search of alfalfa sprouts for dogs, buy commercially produced varieties as they are devoid of seeds.

3. Black Mustard Seeds

Poisonous compounds like glucosinolate and isothiocyanate are found in black mustard seeds. They cause stomach irritation in dogs, leading to vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, ingestion can result in stomach ulcers.