Can dogs eat Gourd?

can dogs have gourdYes



Various types of gourds have different nutritional make up that can be beneficial to dogs. Although some gourd varieties are safe to eat raw, it’s best to cook them. Avoid inedible and toxic gourd varieties, such as ornamental gourd and hybrid garden squash, to prevent digestive issues and poisoning in dogs.


  • Gourd refers to several species of crop plants from the genus Cucurbita and family Cucurbitaceae. Vegetables such as figleaf gourd, spiny gourd, bitter melon, luffa gourd, and varieties of pumpkins, cucumbers, squash, and melons all belong in the gourd family.
  • Various gourds have different nutritional profiles, but generally, gourd is rich in fiber and nutrients with antioxidant properties, which fight against free radicals that cause infections and diseases in dogs.


  • The seeds and skin of most gourd varieties are not edible and should be removed. Some types of gourds should not be eaten raw and must be cooked. Excessive consumption of gourd can cause digestive issues in dogs.
  • Some types of gourds are inedible and toxic. Ornamental gourds, such as colocynths, contain cucurbitacins, which are toxic to dogs. Cooking does not neutralize the toxins. They can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and severe dehydration when ingested.
  • Hybrid garden squash is a type of gourd that's inedible. Wild hybridizations occur when inedible and edible gourd varieties grow within the same vegetable patch.
  • Although inedible gourds or wild squash are bitter and unpalatable to dogs, they look identical to edible squash.


  • Different varieties of gourds are typically prepared by removing the skin and the seeds before boiling, steaming, roasting, or grilling. Give gourds to your dog in moderation to prevent digestive issues.

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