Can Dogs Eat Ginger?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Ginger?
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Ginger can help with a variety of health conditions in dogs, including nausea and motion sickness, as well as dog bloat and cancer.

Continue reading to learn how the ginger plant might affect your dog’s health and how much ginger to give our canine friends.

Incredible Health Benefits Dogs Can Get from Ginger

Pieces of ginger roots on top of a smooth surface.Is ginger good for dogs? Absolutely yes! It is rich in vitamin C, copper, iron, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. On top of that, ginger is a great remedy for a wide variety of canine health issues too. It proves to be very effective in preventing and managing the following illnesses:

1. Heartworm

Heartworm is a non-infectious disease in dogs that is commonly spread by mosquitoes. A study published in the Korean Journal of Parasitology shows that ginger is a promising treatment against heartworm. Between 83% and 98% of heartworm larvae in dogs were eliminated after supplementing ginger in their diet.

2. Cancer

Ginger is also considered a holistic cancer treatment. Scientific studies reveal that ginger gets rid of cancerous cells and hinders the growth of cancerous tumors. This is all thanks to the herb’s compound, 6-gingerol, which contains cancer-fighting properties. Ginger also aids in preventing nausea caused by chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation.

3. Nausea and Motion Sickness

Is your dog prone to car sickness and nausea? Ginger significantly helps in alleviating these ailments as it contains gingerol and shogaol. These are compounds that hasten the digestive process. The herb also has anti-inflammatory properties that ease discomfort in the digestive system and relieve nausea.

In another study, ginger was compared to dimenhydrinate, a common nausea drug used in humans as well as dogs. Results show that the herb has lower side effects than the medicine. To prevent your furry pal from experiencing motion sickness, give him fresh ginger approximately thirty minutes before the car ride.

4. Canine Bloat

Ginger is known for its ability to prevent dog bloat. This condition is also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV). It is a fatal illness that causes food and gas to accumulate in your pooch’s stomach.

What makes GDV highly distressing is that its causes remain unknown to experts. Whilst large dog breeds often fall victim to this disease, other dogs, regardless of their size, may develop it too.

According to research, ginger is proven to be effective in preventing bloating since it stimulates stomach movement. As a result, it speeds up elimination, which keeps food and gas build-up from occurring.

5. Arthritis and Other Inflammatory-Related Pains

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger work great in mitigating chronic pain such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. Highly active dogs can also benefit from it as it soothes exercise-induced pain and muscle soreness.

In order for your pooch to reap this health benefit, gradually include the herb in his diet. Raw ginger can be cooked or pureed using a blender or food processor to make it easily digestible for him. Note that its anti-inflammatory effect doesn’t happen immediately. Thus, it should be used regularly to reduce inflammation and see a significant positive result slowly.

How many gingers can dogs have?

Pieces of sliced ginger on a wooden surface.Although ginger is safe for dogs, it should always be provided in moderation. Dogs that gorge on it often suffer from digestive problems, including upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Since ginger is available in many forms, its recommended serving will vary. For raw ginger, a maximum amount of ¼ teaspoon can be given to small breeds under 20 pounds and ½ teaspoon for medium breeds under 35 pounds. Large dog breeds that weigh over 35 pounds should only have ½ teaspoon of ginger.

When preparing raw ginger, make sure to peel off the skin and grate it finely to prevent choking and indigestion. Then, you can mix the grated ginger with his dog food to make it more palatable.

Illustrated below is the serving guideline for the other forms of ginger:

Two bowls of dried ginger flakes and ground ginger, and a ginger root.

1 – 10 0.5 pc. 1-3x daily Small pinch or 1/8 tsp. 1-3 drops 2-3x daily Under ¼ cup 1-3x daily
10 – 20 0.5 to 1 pc.

1-3x daily

Large pinch or 1/8 to ¼ tsp. 3-5 drops 2-3x daily ¼ cup 1-3x daily
20 – 50 1-2 pcs.

2-3x daily

2 pinches up to 1 tsp. 5-10 drops 2-3x daily ¼ – ½ cup 1-3x daily
50 – 100 1-2 pcs.

3-4x daily

2 pinches up to 2 tsp. 20 drops 2-3x daily ½ – 1 cup 1-3x daily
Over 100 The recommended dose for adult humans Up to 1 tbsp. The recommended dose for adult humans Up to 1 cup 3x daily


Regardless of what form of ginger you choose to add to your dog’s diet, always start serving it in small amounts to avoid digestive upset. If your dog doesn’t exhibit any adverse side effects, you can slowly increase the amount according to the suggested serving amount above.

When is ginger bad for dogs?

Ginger slices placed on top of a wooden surface. Ginger’s impressive medicinal qualities have proven it to be highly beneficial for dogs. However, it also has some drawbacks if used inappropriately. Here are a few things that you should know before including ginger in your dog’s diet:

1. Ginger supplements are not heavily regulated.

An assortment of canine ginger supplements continues to pop up on the market. These can often be easily acquired since you don’t need a prescription to get one. However, don’t get too hasty in buying any for your furry pal.

Careful planning with the vet should be done first. This will greatly help in choosing the right and reputable product for your dog and figuring out what the suitable dosage is for him.

2. Ginger can affect the blood in many ways.

Dogs treated with ginger may experience low blood pressure and blood sugar. This is not exactly a bad thing for healthy pooches. However, for those dogs with diabetes and heart problems, it can exacerbate their condition. So, be sure to consult the vet first to ensure the safety of your dog.

Ginger has a blood-thinning ability too. This hinders proper blood clotting in wounds and injuries. Thus, it is not recommended for pregnant dogs that are about to go into labor and pooches that require surgery.

3. Ginger has a countereffect if combined with certain medications.

Do not give your dog ginger if he is prescribed medications, especially drugs like Rimadyl, Metacam, or Deramaxx. Consult the vet before adding ginger to your dog’s meals if he is on medication.

What other forms of ginger are safe for dogs?

A ginger root on the spotlight.Ginger does not only come in powders, tinctures, and capsules. It can also be found in many human foods such as gingerbread, ginger snaps, and ginger ale. Are these safe for dogs, or can they put their lives at risk? Let’s find out.

Can dogs have ginger ale?

No, ginger ale is bad for dogs since it contains carbonation. They might end up experiencing a handful of digestive problems such as flatulence and diarrhea if they managed to drink ginger ale.

Can dogs eat ginger snaps?

Yes, they can, but make sure that they are free of xylitol, which is an ingredient commonly used as a sugar substitute that is highly toxic for dogs. Ginger snaps are made up mostly of sugar, flour, and spices with a small amount of ginger, so they don’t yield plenty of nutrition.

Moreover, these ingredients can also lead them to gain weight or suffer from stomach problems. That’s why ginger snaps should only be given as occasional dog treats in small amounts.

Can dogs eat gingerbread?

Much like ginger snaps, gingerbread is safe for dogs if it is free from ingredients that are toxic for canines. These include nutmeg and xylitol. Since it is also high in sugar, share it with your pooch sparingly and in small portions to avoid health issues like obesity and diabetes.

Can dogs eat pickled ginger?

Yes, it is okay for dogs to consume pickled ginger occasionally and in small amounts. Pickled ginger often comes with syrup, which is a mixture of vinegar, salt, and sugar. Drain the syrup before feeding pickled ginger to your dog since it may irritate his digestive system.

Can dogs eat ginger root?

Pieces of sliced ginger on a white wooden chopping board with lemons in the background.The ginger root is commonly used as an ingredient, specifically a spice, in various cuisines. It can be incorporated into a wide variety of dishes and drinks. There’s no need to worry, though, as ginger root is healthy for your dog to consume.

However, make sure to serve it fresh and free from other ingredients such as oil, spices, and seasoning. When feeding your dog ginger root, do it in moderation. If your dog eats it excessively, he will likely experience an upset stomach and other digestive problems.