Can Dogs Eat Corn? Is Sweetcorn Healthy for Dogs?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Corn? Is Sweetcorn Healthy for Dogs?
Reading Time: 6 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Many believe that corn is only a filler food for dogs that doesn’t offer any real health benefits; however, the truth might surprise you. So “can dogs eat corn?” Corn contains several health-boosting nutrients for pooches, such as beta-carotene and vitamin E.

There are many varieties of corn; read about the different corn varieties, and learn which ones are safe and healthy for your pet.

Is corn good for dogs?

nutritional benefits for our furry buddies infographic

It is widely debated that corn is just a filler in dog food. On the contrary, corn contains essential vitamins and minerals such as proteins, carbs, beta-carotene, lutein, and other nutrients that yield several nutritional benefits for our furry buddies, such as:

  • Good source of proteins: Essential in keeping skin, coat, and hair healthy
  • Carbohydrates: Boost energy levels
  • Linoleic acid: Promotes a healthy immune system, skin, and coat
  • Fiber: Encourages good motility and gut health
  • Beta-carotene, vitamin E, and lutein: Strengthen the immune system and ward off diseases

Can dogs have corn?

Ears of seasoned cooked corn on a plate.Corn is safe for dogs to eat, but it is not without risks. A few health concerns may crop up if you feed it to your pooch excessively or heedlessly, particularly allergies and choking.

Food Allergies

Many believe that corn can cause allergies in several dogs. However, Cailin R. Heinze, VMD, DACVN, assistant professor of nutrition at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, states that corn allergy is relatively uncommon in dogs.

Although this may be the case, it is still a good idea to be cautious when adding corn to your dog’s diet. If it is his first time eating one, only serve it in small quantities. This is to avoid severe allergic reactions in case he turns out to be allergic to corn.

Next, pay extra attention to any changes in his behavior or condition. If he starts showing allergy symptoms such as frequent scratching, red skin, hives, itchiness, vomiting, and diarrhea, leave the corn out of his meals. Then, bring him to the vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Choking Hazards

Cooked corn kernels may be small and relatively easy to chew. However, it can still cause pooches to choke, especially small dogs, due to their narrow windpipes. Also, add in the fact that some dogs love to wolf down their food without chewing. So, be sure to supervise your dog while he eats corn. If a corn kernel happens to go down the wrong pipe, you will be able to give aid to your pooch right away.

How many corns can dogs eat?

Pieces of grilled corn scattered on a smooth surface.

Corn should be regarded as an occasional dog treat. When adding corn to your furry pal’s meals, do not go beyond 1–2 tablespoons. Avoid placing extra amounts of corn in your canine buddy’s daily meals unless advised by the vet.

Never feed your dog corn excessively too. Offering too much can lead to gastric issues and other health problems.

When introducing corn to your dog’s diet, remember to do it gradually to avoid sudden changes in his meals. Do not overfeed your dog since this can lead to digestive upset, constipation, and diarrhea. In short, always feed in moderation.

Can puppies eat corn?

Four ears of raw corn.

Feeding corn to your puppy should only be done if the vet allows it. Puppies are still in their growth stage. They need to have a healthy and balanced diet as their bodies are fragile and require more nutrients than adult dogs.

Adding unnecessary human food into their diet can negatively affect their well-being. Puppies also have a sensitive digestive system, which is usually intolerant to new food.

If the vet does approve of giving your puppy corn, make sure to feed in moderation. Excessive consumption of corn can lead to serious health problems in puppies.

Can dogs eat corn flakes?

Cross out corn flakes from your list of possible dog treat options. It often contains sugar, salt, artificial preservatives, and additives that are not great for your pooch’s health. Some brands even use xylitol, a sugar substitute that is extremely lethal for dogs.

Can dogs eat corn on the cob?

Eating corn cobs is harmful to dogs. Although corn kernels are safe for them to consume, corn cobs are downright dangerous.  If your pooch accidentally ingests a big chunk of it, he can choke on it, or worse, it can cause a severe intestinal blockage.

Lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite, dehydration, and diarrhea are the most common indicators that he may be suffering from stomach obstruction. If he shows these symptoms, take him directly to the vet. Delayed medical care can result in fatal consequences such as loss of life.

Can dogs eat corn tortillas?

Tortilla chips and corn kernels placed side by side.Avoid feeding your dog store-bought tortillas as these contain fat, salt, and other unhealthy ingredients. Consider making homemade tortillas for him instead.

This way, you have control over what ingredients to use and how much you put in. Note that although corn tortillas are healthier options than flour tortillas, they only provide minimal nutrients to your dog.

Can dogs eat canned corn?

A bowl full of canned corn.Canned corn is a no-no as it offers little nutritional value. Moreover, it also contains high amounts of sodium. Therefore, allowing your dog to eat canned corn will put him at risk of developing several health issues such as salt toxicity, pancreatitis, and kidney diseases.

Can dogs eat popcorn?

A bowl of popcorn, a bowl of crackers, a Himalayan salt grinder, and corn kernels.Popcorn is okay for dogs, provided that it is served plain. It should be unsalted and unbuttered. Avoid the ones with artificial flavoring too, since they may cause health issues like tooth decay and unhealthy weight gain.

When sharing plain popcorn with your dog, check the kernels first. Make sure that they are popped, or else they can cause a few problems.

For instance, unpopped kernels are quite hard to chew on, and they can damage your dog’s teeth. Moreover, they can also potentially cause choking and stomach obstruction in dogs.

It is best if you remove these unpopped pieces to avoid accidentally feeding them to your dog. Lastly, always follow the 10% rule to prevent him from suffering an upset stomach and other digestive problems.

dog treat recipesHomemade Corn Dog Treat

Here’s a tasty dog treat recipe that has corn that you can prepare for your dogs and cats:

Corn dog treats on a cooling rack.



  1. Preheat the oven to 350˚.
  2. Combine whole wheat flour and cornmeal in a bowl. Mix until they are well-incorporated.
  3. Make sure that your beef grease is cooled. But if it is hardened, microwave to liquefy it.
  4. Pour liquefied beef grease into the flour mixture and stir until well combined.
  5. Add oil and water, beginning with ¼ cup of water. Then, you may add ¼ cup at a time if necessary.
  6. Roll dough onto a floured surface.
  7. Use a cookie cutter to cut out shapes from the dough.
  8. Place on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet.
  9. Bake for 25 to 35 minutes at 350˚ until crispy and golden.
  10. Take them out of the oven and let them cool.
  11. Serve them to your furry friend. Store leftovers in a ziplock bag or airtight container and place them in the fridge.