Can Dogs Eat Pork?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Pork?
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Can dogs eat pork? While pork is generally safe for dogs to eat, it does pose some health risks to them, including the spread of intestinal parasites and unhealthy weight growth.

Let’s have a look at the benefits and risks of feeding pork to dogs. This allows pet owners to determine whether or not pork is suitable for their dogs.

Is pork good for dogs?

Pork meat is a protein source that helps in the muscle development and growth of dogs. Pork is a good source of protein and nutrients as it contains vitamin B12, vitamin C, iron, niacin, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc. So, it’s safe to say that pork is definitely good for dogs.

Should dogs eat pork?

Pork should only be given occasionally to dogs and not be added to their regular dog food. Get your vet’s advice before you decide to include pork in your dog’s diet. If the vet approves, introduce pork to your dog by giving him small amounts.

Although pork is high in protein and nutrients, it’s also high in fat content than chicken and beef. If pork is fed to your dog in large amounts, it can lead to weight gain, obesity, and an upset stomach. In more serious cases, too much pork consumption can lead to pancreatitis or heart problems in dogs.

The pork’s fat, skin, and bones should be removed. Also, the pork must be cooked well before giving it to your dog.

Can dogs eat pork bones?

A piece of pork bone.Although dogs love to chew on bones, it doesn’t mean all bones are safe for them. Cooked bones are a choking hazard and can cause intestinal obstruction. They can also injure your dog’s mouth, esophagus, and other parts of his digestive system and internal organs as they can splinter into sharp pieces.

Thus, cooked bones should never be given to dogs. When feeding uncooked bones to your dog, it is always advised to be under supervision in case they get broken into small pieces that may cause choking.

Can dogs eat pork rib bones?

A piece of raw pork rib.Dogs should not be given pork rib bones because of the risk of choking and blockage in your dog’s stomach. Pork rib bones can also break into small sharp bits and cause serious internal damage.

Cooked pork ribs, especially store-bought ones, may also contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs, such as garlic powder, onion, and seasoning.

Can dogs eat preserved pork?

A slab of preserved pork.Some human foods are safe for dogs while others are not. Preserved pork falls under the unhealthy category. Dog owners need to avoid feeding dogs processed pork products such as bacon, sausage, and ham. High levels of salt and fats are often found in these human foods.

In large amounts, preserved pork can be toxic to dogs and contribute to the development of other diseases. Kidney stones, pancreatitis, and obesity are the most prevalent health problems due to a high-salt and fat diet.

These pork products also contain other ingredients that are dangerous for dogs. Gastric problems and poisoning may occur if your dog ingests them. Feed your dog homemade cooked pork instead.

Can dogs eat raw pork?

Pieces of raw pork in a bowl.Feeding your dog raw pork puts him in danger of contracting trichinosis. It is an infection caused by a parasite, Trichinella Spiralis larvae, found in raw or undercooked pork.

Puppies and immunocompromised dogs are more vulnerable to this illness. Humans are also at risk of catching trichinosis. This disease causes the following symptoms in dogs:

  • Body pains
  • Stiffness of muscles
  • Muscle inflammation
  • Lethargy
  • High fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Not all these signs will show in infected dogs, but susceptible dogs are more likely to experience all of these symptoms.

It is advised to always freeze the pork for three 3 weeks prior to feeding it to your dog.

How to safely feed pork to your dog

Ground pork being transferred to another container.Pork is good for your dog as long as it’s fed occasionally. However, if you decide to feed your dog pork, you must know how to prepare this meat before giving it to your dog.

  • Do not give your dog cooked pork bones. The bones are difficult for dogs to digest and may cause stomach blockage. Internal injuries and choking may occur, too, if pork bones are ingested.
  • Keep out processed pork products from your dog’s bowl. Instead, opt for cooked plain pork. It should not contain other ingredients such as oil, salt, garlic, chives, onion, spices, and seasoning.
  • Don’t feed your dog raw pork or undercooked pork without freezing it for 3 weeks before feeding.
  • The protein in pork may cause allergic reactions in dogs. Therefore, dogs with food allergies or intolerance to certain meat should not be given pork.
  • When introducing pork to your dog, start with a small amount and then observe if he exhibits symptoms of allergies, including vomiting, diarrhea, hives, skin rashes, watery eyes, itchiness, scratching, and paw biting. If your pooch exhibits any of these symptoms, take him to the vet immediately.