Can Dogs Eat Cashews?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Cashews?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Cashews are generally safe for dogs to eat, but some health issues are associated with these nuts. Feeding cashews to your dog negligently can result in gastric problems and even poisoning.

Let’s have a look at the benefits and risks of feeding cashews’ to dogs.

Are cashews safe for dogs?

A glass bowl filled with toasted cashew nuts.Cashews are rich in vital nutrients, antioxidants, healthy fats, and dietary fiber. They contain vitamin K, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc.

Your furry friend can enjoy several health benefits by eating cashews, such as:

  • Healthy heart, skin, and coat
  • Quick healing of body inflammations
  • Strong teeth, bones, and immune system
  • Less susceptible to infections and diseases

Are cashews bad for dogs?

Cashews are not dangerous for dogs, but indiscriminately feeding them to your furry friend can lead to some health problems:

Bladder Stones

Cashew nuts contain a considerable amount of sodium and phosphorus. An ounce of raw cashews has around 3 milligrams of sodium and 150 milligrams of phosphorus.

Consuming too much sodium and phosphorous will contribute to the formation of kidney stones.


Cashew nuts are high in fats and calories. An ounce of raw cashews contains 157 calories and 12 grams of fat. Allowing your dog to eat cashews excessively can cause weight gain, which can lead to obesity.

This condition can trigger other health problems such as diabetes and pancreatitis.

Digestive Problems

Gastrointestinal issues may also happen because of the cashews’ high-fat content. These include diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and an upset stomach.

These commonly occur if you suddenly include cashews in your dog’s diet or give them to him in large quantities.

Aflatoxin Risk

Molds contain a toxic substance called aflatoxin, which grows on cashews and other types of nuts. Aflatoxin is toxic to dogs and can cause poisoning, damaging your dog’s liver.

In some cases, severe aflatoxin toxicity to canines can result in liver failure. Sourcing cashew nuts from trustworthy organic sellers is one of the best ways to keep your dog safe.

Can dogs have cashews?

A bowl filled with baked cashew nuts.Yes, our furry friend can have cashews, but they must be served in small quantities. Tossing 1–2 pieces of cashews to your pooch has low chances of triggering adverse effects.

Keep in mind to slowly introduce cashews to your dog. Avoid abruptly adding them to his food to prevent stomach upset, intestinal obstruction, and other digestive issues.

Are dogs allergic to cashews?

Some dogs are allergic to cashews; however, it is rare. The most common food allergen in dogs is protein. Beef, chicken, dairy products, and soy found in human food are some of them.

One hundred grams of cashews contain 18 grams of protein, enough to trigger allergic reactions in dogs. If it is your dog’s first time eating cashews, limit the quantity of the nuts to a small portion.

Observe your dog for any symptoms of an allergic reaction such as hives, itchiness, swelling, scratching, diarrhea, and vomiting. If your dog exhibits these symptoms, bring him to the vet.

Can dogs eat cashew butter?

A jar filled with cashew butter.Cashew butter is not good for dogs since it is high in fats. Similar to peanut butter, one serving of cashew butter contains about 16 grams of fat. It is often full of salt, sugar, and other ingredients that can harm your furry companion.

Can dogs eat honey-roasted cashews?

Honey-roasted cashews and other flavored cashews are not an ideal snack for dogs because they usually contain extra sugar and salt, which are not beneficial to your dog’s health.

Can dogs have salted cashews? It is best if you give your dog plain or roasted cashews.

Can dogs eat cashews safely?

Toasted cashews placed on a red ceramic plate.Yes, cashew nuts are safe for dogs to eat as long as they are served plain and in small amounts. It is also a good idea to consult the vet first before including cashews in your dog’s meals.

If the vet says they are a suitable dog treat for him, make sure to buy from trustworthy sellers to avoid aflatoxin toxicity. Also, consider opting for organically grown cashews because they have low chemical exposure.

Wash them carefully to eliminate any bacteria, dirt, and chemicals, and serve them to your dog. Remember to skip unnecessary ingredients such as oil, butter, sugar, or salt.

Homemade Cashew Dog Treat

Cashew dog treats on a cooling rack.Do you want to make a healthy cashew snack for your pooch? We have a recipe that your dog will truly enjoy.

dog treat recipesCashew Chicken Biscuits



  1. In a large bowl, add all of the ingredients. Mix them until they are well incorporated
  2. Add more stock if the mixture is too dry. If it is too wet, add some more oat flour.
  3. Using a spoon, scoop some of the dough and mold it into a ball.
  4. Place the molded dough balls on a sprayed baking sheet or wax paper.
  5. Flatten them into a round cookie shape. You can also shape them into balls.
  6. Bake for about 45 minutes at 350°F.
  7. Get them out of the oven and let them cool.
  8. Serve them to your furry buddy. Store uneaten biscuits inside an airtight container or a Ziploc bag and put them in the fridge.

What nuts are dangerous to dogs?

4 dangerous nuts for dogs infographicSome nuts are toxic or just extremely unhealthy for dogs. Therefore, they must never be used as a dog treat. Here is a list of nuts that you should avoid feeding your pooch:

What nuts can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat nuts. Here are some safe and healthy nuts that you can share with your dog. But keep in mind to only let your dog eat peanuts in moderation as too much is bad for his health.

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