Can Dogs Eat Pistachios? Uncovering the Facts for Safe Feeding

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Pistachios? Uncovering the Facts for Safe Feeding
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Technically, dogs can eat pistachios, but it is best to avoid it. Almonds are high in fat, which can cause stomach irritation and digestive upset in dogs. Excessive consumption may also lead to inflammation of the pancreas. While pistachios do not contain harmful toxins, their high-fat content can lead to various health issues in dogs, such as pancreatitis and high blood pressure.

Read on to discover more reasons why pistachios are not the best choice to be given to your dog as a treat.

Are pistachios safe for dogs to eat?

Pistachios are not safe for dogs to eat. While they are rich in calcium, folate, iron, selenium, vitamin E, and zinc., feeding your dog pistachios is not advisable. They are not exactly the safest snacks for your furry friend.

1. Choking Hazard

The tough exterior of unshelled pistachios makes it hard for canines to chew. If dogs eat unshelled pistachios, they could easily get stuck in their throat and cause choking. Intestinal obstruction may also occur if they manage to swallow unshelled pistachios.

2. Urushiol Oil

Another reason why pistachios are not recommended for dogs to eat is that these nuts contain a natural chemical called urushiol oil. It is fast-acting and gets absorbed quickly through the skin.

If your furry friend comes into contact with urushiol oil from pistachios, he may experience a painful skin rash that often appears around the face and mouth. The condition may worsen if he scratches these rashes frequently.

3. Aflatoxin

Aflatoxin is a by-product of molds called Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, which can grow on crops such as corn, cottonseeds, and pistachios.

Aflatoxin that is found in pistachios is a carcinogenic compound that is poisonous to both dogs and humans. Note that dogs are more vulnerable to this toxin than humans.

Symptoms of Aflatoxin

If dogs eat pistachios contaminated with Aspergillus molds in large amounts, they are at risk of dangerous side effects. These include digestive problems, stunted growth, and acute liver damage.

In case your furry friend accidentally ingested moldy pistachios, watch out for the following symptoms of aflatoxin poisoning:

  • Appetite loss
  • Lack of energy
  • Vomiting
  • Jaundice
  • Orange-colored urine

Diagnosis of Aflatoxin

Bring your dog to the vet right away if he exhibits these signs. Your dog will undergo some tests to determine the cause of these symptoms.

In general, they will perform a physical examination and chemistry profiling. Here are other exams the vet may require your furry friend to take:

  •  Complete blood count (CBC)
  • X-ray or radiograph
  • Ultrasound
  • Urine, stool, and vomitus tests

Treatment of Aflatoxin

If your dog ate pistachios and started to get dehydrated due to aflatoxin toxicity, the vet will give him IV fluids. Medications will then be prescribed according to the symptoms that he is having.

This may include antibiotics, painkillers, or anti-nausea medications. In addition, hepatoprotectants and vitamin K treatments will be recommended if he has liver damage.

Pancreatitis may also occur during aflatoxin poisoning. If your dog suffers from this condition, the vet will recommend making certain changes in his diet.

His dog food should be low in fat and protein but high in fiber to alleviate the swelling of his pancreas. Supplements may be prescribed as well to ease stomach pains.

Once your dog recovers from aflatoxin toxicity, he may need a follow-up examination to check if his liver is functioning properly.

Can dogs have pistachios as treats?

No, it is not recommended. Pistachios are very high in fat and calories. For example, 1 cup of pistachios contains about 56 grams of fat, four times the required grams for a 15-kilo dog. Meanwhile, an ounce of pistachios has 150 calories.

Feeding your dog pistachios in large amounts can cause digestive issues such as diarrhea and upset stomach. Because of high-fat content, eating pistachios can lead to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and pancreatitis.

Can dogs eat pistachio shells?

Pistachio shells are dangerous for dogs to eat as they are choking hazards. Small dog breeds, puppies, and geriatric dogs are more prone to choking.

Moreover, the tough exterior of unshelled pistachio makes it hard for dogs to chew. The shell of the pistachio breaks into small pieces when chewed, which can get stuck in your furry friend’s gums, esophagus, and intestines.

The pistachio’s tough shell also makes it difficult to pass through the gastrointestinal tract. This exposes your furry friend to the risk of digestive issues. When ingested in large amounts, they can even cause life-threatening intestinal obstruction.

How many pistachios can dogs eat?

If your dog accidentally ingests 1–2 pistachios, it does not merit immediate concern. But be sure to closely monitor him in case he shows sudden physical and health changes.

However, consuming even small amounts of pistachios may trigger allergic reactions in some dogs, but it is a rare occurrence.

Vomiting, swelling, itchiness, diarrhea, and inflamed skin are the most common symptoms of allergies. Take your dog to the vet clinic right away if he exhibits these signs.

If your dog has eaten pistachios in large quantities, he needs to be checked by the vet right away for possible poisoning or intestinal blockage.

Can dogs eat pistachio ice cream?

Pistachio ice cream on cones and placed in a bowl. Pistachio ice cream is not recommended for dogs to eat. Most canines are lactose-intolerant. Letting them consume dairy products, including ice cream, can lead to bloating, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea.

Aside from its high sugar content, pistachio ice cream contains harmful artificial preservatives and additives.

Some may even use a sugar substitute called xylitol, which is extremely toxic to dogs. Xylitol is used in products like peanut butter and processed human food.

Read: 6 Dog Ice Cream Recipes You Can Share with Your Pooch

What nuts are not recommended for dogs?

While dogs can technically eat some nuts, it is not recommended due to potential health risks. Here are a few nuts that should be avoided:

4 nuts to avoid feeding your dog

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts have extremely high-fat content that can cause digestive problems in dogs. If eaten regularly in large amounts, obesity may develop.


Pecans can become hosts to deadly aflatoxins, much like pistachios, and may cause severe liver damage when ingested in large amounts.


Walnuts are possible carriers of dangerous fungi called tremorgenic mycotoxins, which can cause serious neurological problems.


Pistachios are not recommended for dogs due to several potential health risks. While dogs can technically eat pistachios, they are not an ideal treat. These nuts can cause choking, intestinal blockages, skin issues, and toxicity.

Ensure your pet’s well-being by familiarizing yourself with the suitability of other nuts for dogs. Visit our Nuts & Seeds section for a comprehensive guide on safe and unsafe nuts.

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