Can dogs eat Torreya grandis nuts?

can dogs have torreya grandis nutsCaution



Can dogs eat torreya grandis nuts? Yes. Torreya grandis supports a healthy digestive system by flushing out bad bacteria and parasites from the GI tract. As torreya grandis nuts have mostly been used as a natural remedy on dogs, be cautious when introducing torreya grandis to your dog and observe for any adverse effects.


  • Torreya grandis is rich in protein which acts as an energy source. It also helps with muscle and cell repair.
  • Torreya grandis is high in fatty acids, which help in brain, skin, and heart health.
  • Torreya grandis nuts help relieve cough and promote lung health.
  • These nuts are also rich in Vitamins A and E.
  • Torreya grandis has anti-inflammatory properties which help fight against free radicals and prevent chronic diseases.
  • Torreya grandis also has antimicrobial and anti-parasitic properties, which help flush out tapeworm, roundworm, hookworm, and other disease-causing parasites. This improves digestion and absorption of nutrients. Torreya grandis is used as natural parasites treatment specifically formulated for canines.


  • Dog owners must exercise caution if decide to introduce torreya grandis to their dogs. It may trigger allergic reactions for dogs with nut allergies or food sensitivities.
  • Torreya grandis seeds are a choking hazard.


  • Supplements that contain torreya grandis and other herbs should be given to dogs with the vet's guidance.
  • Do not feed flavored and salted torreya grandis nuts to dogs, and always remove the shells before serving.
  • Torreya grandis nuts should be given to dogs in moderation as an occasional treat.
  • When giving torreya grandis nuts to dogs as a home remedy to assist deworming, it is recommended to give twice a month, consult a pet nutritionist for the exact dosage for the size of your dog.

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