Many fruits and vegetables are nutritious treats for dogs. However, can dogs eat berries? Yes, there are many dog-friendly berries enriched with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, not all berries are the same; some berry varieties are poisonous to dogs.
Read on to distinguish which berries are safe for your dog and which ones should be avoided.
What Are the Health Benefits of Berries to Dogs?
Are berries good for dogs? Most berries are good for dogs; generally, they are a good source of antioxidants, shielding the body from free radicals.
These prevent the immune system from weakening and keep dogs well-protected against diseases, including heart problems and cancer.
Since berries are mostly made up of water, they provide additional hydration, particularly refreshing during a hot day. Berries are low in calories and sugar but high in fiber; thus, they are a healthy alternative to commercial dog treats.
Dogs with trouble losing weight can benefit from switching to these natural sweet snacks. Fiber keeps their digestive system and metabolism smooth. It also helps them quickly feel full while lessening their food consumption.
These juicy and tangy fruits contain different types of nutrients too. Most of them are full of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant that staves off inflammation and promotes healthy cognitive function.
Berries are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which increases dogs’ immunity against a broad spectrum of illnesses.
Beware of Dangerous Berries to Dogs
Be careful what type of berries you feed to your furry companion. Some are not safe for dogs as they contain toxins that can cause poisoning, just like grapes and raisins.
14 Harmful Berries to Avoid Feeding Your Dog
Aside from serviceberries, numerous berries can put dogs in danger, and we have enumerated some of them below:
Can Dogs Eat American Bittersweet Berries?
No. American bittersweet berries are not safe for dogs since they contain toxic chemicals.
Can Dogs Eat Baneberries?
No. Dogs should not eat baneberries because they can cause poisonous effects, including severe heart problems.
Can Dogs Eat Barberries?
No. Feeding dogs barberries, including dried ones, can lead to poisoning.
Can Dogs Eat Butcher’s Broom Berries?
No. It is bad to give dogs butcher’s broom berries, as consuming them may damage their red blood cells.
Can Dogs Eat Cape Gooseberries?
No. Both unripe and raw gooseberries put dogs in danger of toxicity. Other parts, such as leaves and flowers, pose the same threat as well.
Can Dogs Eat Conkerberries?
No. Conkerberries contain aesculin, which can induce poisoning in canines.
Can Dogs Eat Fragrant Sumac Berries?
No. The sap of fragrant sumac berries is believed to cause skin rashes. This is not well-documented, but it is best to keep your dog away from fragrant sumac berries.
Can Dogs Eat Gooseberries?
No. Unripe gooseberries, as well as gooseberry bushes, are high in hydrogen cyanide.
Can Dogs Eat Golden Berries?
No. Dogs should not eat golden berries as most of their parts contain cyanide, which can induce toxicity.
Can Dogs Eat Guelder Rose Berries?
No. Guelder rose berries may be rich in vitamins and minerals, but they can cause mild toxicity in dogs, which can prompt digestive problems.
Can Dogs Eat Holly Berries?
No. The chemical in holly berries, known as ilicin, is mildly toxic to dogs and may cause vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration.
Can Dogs Eat Juniper Berries?
No. Juniper berries are off-limits to dogs as they have toxic effects similar to holly berries.
Can Dogs Eat Mistletoe Berries?
No. Mistletoe berries are not safe for dogs. They produce a cocktail of toxins that can trigger gastric problems. Their shrub also contains these harmful compounds.
Can Dogs Eat Rowan Berries?
No. Rowan berries, along with their seeds have various toxins that can be fatal to dogs if ingested.
What Berries Are Safe for Dogs?
After looking at that long list of dangerous berries for dogs, you may be asking, “What berries can dogs eat?” Many popular berries we know are safe for pooches.
For instance, dogs can eat strawberries because they do not contain poisonous compounds. Moreover, strawberries are rich in fiber and antioxidants, which keep their bodies healthy and strong.
Dogs can eat blueberries, which are toxin-free too, and they can get lots of fiber and vitamin C from these delicious treats. Studies also show that blueberries can prevent and fight cancer.
26 Edible Berries for Dogs
To answer the question, “What berries are dogs allowed to eat?” here is a list of other dog-safe berries:
Can Dogs Eat Acai Berries?
Yes, dogs can eat acai berries, but in moderation. While these are full of antioxidants and vitamins, they also contain small amounts of toxins that can cause poisoning or rashes.
Can Dogs Eat Beautyberries?
Yes. Beautyberries are a healthy treat for dogs since they are rich in bone-enhancing nutrients: phosphorus and calcium.
Can Dogs Eat Bilberries?
Yes, dogs can enjoy bilberries, but in small amounts. These fruits may be loaded with antioxidants, but they can cause low blood sugar if excessively consumed.
Can Dogs Have Blackberries?
Yes, dogs can eat blackberries in moderation. However, never feed them too much as these fruits contain tiny quantities of xylitol, which is highly poisonous to dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Boysenberries?
Yes, boysenberries are safe for dogs to eat. As these are loaded with powerful antioxidants and various nutrients, they aid in strengthening the immune system of canines.
Can Dogs Eat Cloudberries?
Yes. Cloudberries are used in some dog foods as these are fortified with several B-vitamins, iron, and vitamin C. However, further research is needed on the positive effects of cloudberries on canines.
Can Dogs Eat Cranberries?
Yes. Dogs can safely consume cranberries and gain good amounts of fiber, potassium, and antioxidants in the process.
Can Dogs Eat Dewberries?
Yes, nutrient-rich dewberries are good for dogs. However, be careful if your dog loves to forage because these berries commonly grow beside the poison ivy.
Can Dogs Eat Goji Berries?
Yes. Dogs can eat goji berries since they are free from toxins and packed with fiber and minerals, including copper, iron, and zinc.
Can Dogs Eat Hackberries?
Yes. Hackberries are safe for dogs to snack on as long as their large pits are removed first.
Can Dogs Eat Honeyberries?
Yes. Honeyberries pack a punch of nutrients and antioxidants, which are immune system boosters for dogs. They can ward off many infections and diseases such as cancer.
Can Dogs Eat Kousa Dogwood Berries?
Yes. Consuming kousa dogwood berries is beneficial to a dog’s liver, bones, teeth, and immune system.
Can Dogs Eat Lingonberries?
Yes. Dogs can eat lingonberries, but these might taste unappealing since they are quite acidic. On the other hand, lingonberry tea or juice should be kept away from your dog as it contains a toxin called arbutin.
Can Dogs Eat Loganberries?
Yes. Loganberries are good for the bone health of dogs because they are dense with vitamin K and manganese.
Can Dogs Eat Sloe Berries?
Yes. Sloe berries are healthy snacks for pooches as they contain high vitamin C concentrations.
Can Dogs Eat Spikenard Berries?
Yes, dogs can eat spikenard berries. These possess anti-inflammatory properties that help inhibit the formation of various illnesses.
Can Dogs Eat Waxberries?
Yes. Waxberries can shield dogs from different diseases since they contain large amounts of antioxidants. Always make sure to remove their seeds before feeding to your dog to avoid choking accidents.
Can Dogs Eat Marionberries?
Yes. Feeding marionberries to dogs is okay, provided that it is done in moderation. These berries have more sugar content compared to others. Allowing your dog to overeat may increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart issues.
Can Dogs Eat Mock Strawberries?
Yes. It is safe for dogs to consume mockberries as they are toxin-free and contain vitamins and minerals. Do note that some pooches may experience allergic reactions after consuming these berries.
Can Dogs Eat Mulberries?
Yes. However, make sure to give dogs only fully ripe mulberries. Otherwise, gastrointestinal problems may ensue.
Can Dogs Eat Nannyberries?
Yes. Nannyberries have many health benefits to dogs, including keeping their kidneys healthy and preventing indigestion. Before feeding these berries to your dog, remove their seeds as these are choking hazards.
Can Dogs Eat Pineberries?
Yes. Most dogs can eat pineberries without any worries. However, these may trigger allergies in some dogs because they contain a protein called Fragaria allergen 1.
Can Dogs Eat Raspberries?
Yes. Laden with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, raspberries are healthy snacks for dogs. But feed these fruits to your dog in small quantities. Raspberries contain natural xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.
In addition, raspberries are off-limits to canines with kidney issues due to their high oxalate levels.
Can Dogs Eat Salal Berries?
Yes. Salal berries are safe for dogs to consume and are excellent sources of vitamin C and antioxidants.
Can Dogs Eat Tayberries?
Yes. Consuming tayberries will not harm dogs since they are free from toxins. Moreover, they contain loads of vitamin C, fiber, and bioflavonoids which help boost your dog’s health.
Can Dogs Eat Yellow Raspberries?
Yes, yellow raspberries are good treats for dogs. Rich concentrations of folic acid, ellagic acid, and copper can be found in them. Serve these berries sparsely to your dog, though. Their high levels of dietary fiber can cause stomach distress if ingested in large amounts.
11 Berries That Should Be Fed to Dogs with Caution
Not much is known about the possible effects of these berries on dogs. Thus, pet owners must exercise caution when feeding any of these to their canine companions.
Can Dogs Eat Buffaloberries?
Yes. Buffaloberries are good for dogs since they have high lycopene content, which helps prevent cancer. However, avoid overfeeding. These berries contain saponins, which can induce toxicity if consumed excessively.
Can Dogs Eat Elderberries?
Yes. In moderation, elderberries can be eaten safely by dogs. These have immune-boosting nutrients, such as vitamin C and bioflavonoids, that keep diseases at bay.
However, beware that all parts of the elderberry plant as well as its unripe elderberries contain cyanide, which is dangerous for dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Sparkleberries?
Yes. Dogs can be fed sparkleberries in small amounts, for these offer lots of antioxidants.
Note that their tart and bitter taste is not enticing for many pooches.
Can Dogs Eat Guavaberries?
Yes. Guavaberries have a good effect on the liver and cardiovascular system of dogs. Due to their high sugar content, guavaberries are not suitable for diabetic canines.
Can Dogs Eat Goumi Berries?
Yes. Giving pooches goumi berries is okay, but beware as they are quite acidic. These fruits promote good heart health and ward off diseases like cancer.
Can Dogs Eat Huckleberries?
Yes. Dogs can benefit from eating huckleberries as these are immune system boosters.
Make sure to remove the seeds to keep your pet from choking. Note that huckleberries have a similar appearance to many harmful berries to dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Jostaberries?
Yes. Jostaberries are good for dogs since they have antifungal and antibacterial properties.
Since jostaberries are packed with sugar, feed them to your furry friend in small amounts.
Can Dogs Eat Partridgeberries?
Yes. It is safe for dogs to eat partridgeberries provided that all seeds are removed.
Rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium, partridgeberries are great for your dog’s bones and muscles.
Can Dogs Eat Salmonberries?
Yes. Salmonberries contain a good amount of nutrients, including vitamins A and K, calcium, and iron, which are essential to your dog’s health. However, these berries are not recommended for pregnant dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Saskatoon Berries?
Saskatoon berries, also known as serviceberries, sarvisberries, or juneberries, are not known to be toxic for dogs. However, it is important to be cautious when feeding them to your pet since the seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides, which may cause gastrointestinal issues.
Although Saskatoon berries are rich in vitamins and minerals, no studies have been conducted to determine their exact suitability for dogs. It’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new food to ensure that it’s safe and suitable for their specific needs.
Can Dogs Eat Schisandra Berries?
Yes. Schisandra berries are good for the liver and protect the organ from toxin damage. They also offer anti-inflammatory properties. Schisandra berries are used as supplements for senior dogs, but more research is needed to know how they affect their health.
Keep a Close Supervision for Your Dog’s Safety
Always monitor your furry pal when on hikes or walks. He may come across different wild berries while outdoors and eat them out of curiosity. This incident should be avoided at all costs to prevent the risk of poisoning.
If your dog has ingested an unknown type of berry, take samples of what he has eaten. Include the stem, leaves, and flowers, if there are any. These are extremely useful in identifying the type of berry he has consumed.
Make sure to contact the vet right after. Inform them about what happened so that they can give you advice on the next step you should take.
When Are Dog-Safe Berries Become Dangerous for A Dog?
Although edible berries for dogs have low sugar content, these can cause problems if consumed excessively. The most common mild side effects are gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Long-term health issues may turn up, too, such as diabetes, obesity, and tooth decay. Thus, berries should only comprise a minuscule portion of your dog’s diet. Only give him small amounts of dog-safe berries as a treat or a dog food topper.
Here are other important pointers to keep in mind when including berries in your furry companion’s meals:
- Before feeding your dog, make sure to wash the berries thoroughly. Then remove any seeds or pits since these are potential choking hazards.
- Some dogs may be allergic to certain berries, so introduce the fruit to your dog in tiny quantities. If he suffers symptoms of allergies afterward, including itchiness, hives, and vomiting, stop feeding him berries and take him to the vet.
- Any canned berries are prohibited to dogs, particularly those with obesity and diabetes. It has a high sugar content, which will worsen their condition. Canned berries may also contain xylitol as a sugar substitute.
- Chocolate-dipped berries are not safe for dogs to eat. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which can cause severe poisoning in canines.
- Never feed your dog human foods with berries, such as strawberry milkshakes. These contain ingredients, such as milk and sugar, that can upset your dog’s stomach.