What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?
Reading Time: 10 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Are you wondering what fruits your dog can safely indulge in? Many dog owners turn to fruits and veggies for healthy treats, but not all fruits are created equal. While some, like grapes and raisins, can be toxic to dogs, others are packed with essential nutrients.

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Check out our list of the 20 best healthy fruity treats for Fido and give your pup a tasty and nutritious snack.

Different fruits that dogs can eat.

1. Apple

Red and green apples placed in a wooden tray and a native basket.

Apple is a delicious low-calorie treat your dog will enjoy munching on. This crunchy fruit is loaded with fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which play a vital role in keeping your dog in good shape.

Apple also promotes good dental health since it can clean your dog’s teeth and prevent plaque buildup.

Just make sure to remove the apple core and seeds before feeding the fruit’s flesh to your dog.

The apple core is a potential choking hazard and stomach obstruction. The seeds, on the other hand, contain small quantities of cyanide.

Although traces of this substance are less likely to poison dogs, it is best to err on the side of caution.

2. Banana

A dog being offered a banana by his owner.

Banana contains fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. These nutrients provide many beneficial effects on dogs, including:

  • Maintaining a healthy heart and kidneys
  • Promoting good bone growth
  • Alleviating digestive problems

Since the banana is high in sugar, serve it in moderation. Peel the banana before giving it to your dog. Although the fruit’s skin does not contain harmful toxins, it can cause choking if swallowed.

Your dog’s digestive system will also have difficulty breaking it down. As a result, he may end up having a severe case of stomach blockage.

3. Blueberries

A closeup look at fresh blueberries.

Blueberries are great for dogs, especially overweight pooches. These fruits are low-calorie, low-sugar treats that are packed with nutrients.

Blueberries are high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, offering many health benefits to dogs.

These nutrients strengthen your dog’s immune system, fight off cancer, and slow down cognitive deterioration.

If you have frozen blueberries, always thaw them first to prevent your dog from choking.

Another safe way to prepare these fruits for your dog is by mashing or pureeing them and then spreading them on his dog food.

4. Cranberries

A bowl full of fresh cranberries.

Tart-tasting cranberries are rich in antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and vitamins. This fruit does many wonders for dogs, such as:

  • Soothing an upset stomach
  • Boosting metabolism
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Improving eyesight

Cranberries are also popular supplements for pooches with urinary tract problems.

On the other hand, feeding your dog too many cranberries can cause harm to his kidneys. Due to the fruits’ acidity, it may lead to the formation of kidney stones and worse, kidney failure.

Prevent this health issue from occurring by serving cranberries sparingly and in small amounts.

5. Kiwi

A sliced kiwi and a furry dog.

Kiwi is high in vitamins C, E, and K. Antioxidants, including flavonoids and carotenoids, are found in this fruit. It is also high in fiber, carbohydrates, and water.

These facts make kiwi not only an excellent treat for humans but dogs as well.

Make sure to serve peeled kiwi to your dog. Avoid giving the skin to your dog as it is hard to chew and contains too much fiber.

Your furry pal may experience an upset stomach and severe diarrhea if he eats it.

6. Cantaloupe

Sliced cantaloupe on a wooden surface.
Cantaloupe packs a healthy dose of nutrients. It is full of antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium.

Moreover, the cantaloupe is low in calories and high in water, making it a suitable treat for dogs with weight issues when fed in moderation.

Avoid excessive feeding as it will result in adverse effects due to its high sugar level. Do not include cantaloupe rinds when serving.

The rind has a tough texture and is high in fiber, which can then cause mild to severe problems. These include digestive upset, diarrhea, choking, and impaction.

7. Mango

Sliced mangoes for dogs.
Mango is high in fiber and rich in vitamins, including vitamins A, B6, C, and E. It also has potassium, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene.

Due to its high sugar level, mango should only be given to dogs as an occasional treat.

The fruit’s skin is difficult to digest. The pit is also bad for your dog as it contains trace amounts of cyanide, which is toxic to dogs. It is also a choking hazard and can cause serious blockage in his stomach.

8. Orange

Sliced oranges for dogs.
Orange is abundant in vitamin C, which comes quite in handy in detoxifying your dog’s system. It also keeps his skin healthy and coat glossy. Orange contains traces of potassium and fiber too.

This fruit has a moderate sugar content, so avoid sharing large amounts of it with your dog.

Overfeeding him with oranges will lead to digestive problems. Always peel the fruit’s skin and remove all seeds to keep your dog safe from choking.

9. Pineapple

A halved pineapple for dogs.
Fresh pineapple is dense in nutrients. It contains vitamin B6, copper, folate, iron, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, and manganese.

Small amounts of calcium, phosphorous, and zinc can be found in this fruit too. These vitamins and minerals greatly improve your dog’s digestion and maintain his immune system.

Since pineapple is significantly high in fiber and sugar, never serve it in large amounts. Dispose of the pineapple’s core and skin, as these parts may get lodged in your dog’s throat or lead to impaction.

10. Pears

A furry puppy and a pear.Pears are great snacks for dogs. Dogs can gain healthy amounts of dietary fiber, copper, vitamin C, and vitamin K from pears. These nutrients play a big role in proper blood clotting and strengthening your dog’s immune system.

Share only seedless pears with your pooch. The seeds are choking hazards and contain traces of cyanide, making them dangerous for dogs.

11. Peaches

Peaches for dogs.
Peaches are a good source of vitamins A and C. These fruits are low in calories and high in fiber too, making them great natural treats for dogs on a diet.

These fruits are also a great source of antioxidants, which improve the immune system and prevent the development of various diseases such as cancer.

Remove the pits before serving peaches to your dog. This is because the pits can be a choking hazard and may also contain traces of cyanide, which is toxic to dogs. By removing the pits, you can help prevent the risk of bowel obstruction and ensure that your dog can safely enjoy this fruity snack.

12. Watermelon

A sliced watermelon being offered to a dog.
Watermelon is a refreshing treat for dogs. The fruit mostly contains water, which helps with hydrating, especially on a hot summer day.

Dogs can obtain a good dose of vitamins A, B6, and C together with small amounts of potassium from watermelon. Watermelon is also a fantastic source of fiber.

Keep watermelon seeds, rinds, and skin away from your dog’s food bowl. These parts pose several dangers to him, such as choking, blockage, and digestive problems.

13. Cucumber

Sliced cucumbers for dogs.Cucumbers are fruits with high water content. They help increase your furry pal’s water intake and keep his skin well-hydrated and healthy.

Cucumbers contain phytonutrients that promote fresh breath in dogs. These compounds also act as detoxifiers and anti-inflammatories.

When feeding cucumbers to your pooch, slice them into thin pieces to avoid choking. Avoid overconsumption, as the fruits’ high fiber content will cause gastric issues.

14. Raspberries

A bowl of fresh raspberries for dogs.Raspberries are low in sugar and loaded with fiber. Nutrients like vitamins C and K, as well as iron, magnesium, and manganese can be found in the fruit too.

Raspberries promote better immune response, healthy skin, normal growth, and stable cholesterol levels in dogs.

Dog owners should be warned to feed the fruits to their dogs in minimal amounts. Xylitol is a naturally occurring toxin in raspberries. If canines ingest too much of this chemical, they are in danger of xylitol poisoning.

15. Blackberries

A closeup look at a blackberry.Blackberry is one of the berries with the highest concentrations of antioxidants. It contains anthocyanins, an antioxidant that combats oxidative damage and prevents high blood pressure.

Eating blackberries is also found to enhance cognitive health and prevent cancer in canines.

Similar to raspberries, blackberries produce trace amounts of xylitol. So feed them to your dog in strict moderation.

16. Strawberries

Sliced strawberries for dogs.Strawberries contain bone-boosting nutrients such as vitamin K, magnesium, and potassium. They are another good source of fiber, which supports weight loss and improves digestive health.

Although strawberries are tiny fruits, do not feed them to your dog whole. Otherwise, they might get stuck in his throat, resulting in choking.

17. Pumpkin

A chocolate labrador and three pumpkins.Pumpkin is known for its high fiber content that can help remedy tummy troubles in dogs, such as constipation. Aside from that, this fruit aids in weight management as its fiber staves off pangs of hunger.

Pumpkin can be fed to dogs raw or cooked, but make sure to slice it into small pieces for safe consumption. Remove its leaves, stems, and skin since they are choking hazards.

Pumpkin seeds present the same risk. However, do not throw them away as they can be grounded into powder and mixed into your dog’s food.

18. Nectarines

Nectarines placed on a plate.Dogs can gain a good dose of magnesium and potassium from eating nectarines. Both minerals are essential for normal bone growth and formation in dogs.

These fruits are an excellent source of vitamins A and C too. These nutrients function as antioxidants that increase your dog’s immunity against canine diseases.

When feeding nectarines to your dog, always discard their pits. They are choking hazards and also contain minuscule amounts of cyanide.

19. Plums

Fresh plums placed in a native basket.Plums are good for your furry pal’s gut health because they house plenty of fiber. They also support his immune system function thanks to their high vitamin C content.

Avoid overfeeding plums to your canine companion because they are rich in sugar. Before offering them to him, remove their pits, which have traces of cyanide.

Cyanide naturally occurs in the leaves, roots, and stems of the plum tree.

20. Cherries

A bowl of fresh cherries.Cherries have a low caloric content and boast high levels of antioxidants, including vitamins A and C. Feeding them to your dog will boost his immune system.

When giving your dog cherries, it’s important to keep him from ingesting the pits, stems, and leaves of the fruits as they contain the toxic compound amygdalin. This can be particularly dangerous for very small dogs and present a risk of bowel obstruction.

What Fruits Are Not Good for Dogs?

There are a few fruits that should never be fed to dogs, such as:

1. Grapes

Grapes contain an unknown toxin, which some scientists speculate to be tartaric acid, that can cause kidney failure in dogs.

Other forms of grapes such as raisins, sultanas, and currants are also toxic to pooches.

2. Unripe Tomatoes

Unripe tomatoes contain high levels of the toxins solanine and tomatine. These compounds are also present in the green parts of the tomato plant.

Fortunately, solanine and tomatine decrease significantly in the tomato fruit once it matures.

3. Lime and Lemon

Both of these fruits contain large amounts of citric acid in their juice. This compound causes them to be highly acidic.

When ingested, the citric acid can irritate the digestive tract of dogs, leading to stomach problems.

Lime and lemon also produce linalool and limonene, which are toxic dogs. Other harmful compounds in these fruits are psoralens that can cause photosensitivity.

FAQs About Fruits for Dogs

Different types of fruits that are good for dogs.

1. What If My Dog Eats a Toxic Fruit?

List down important information about your dog’s ingestion of the fruit, such as:

  • The type of fruit eaten
  • The amount and parts ingested
  • The time of the incident

Documenting these details will help hasten the vet’s diagnosis of your dog’s condition.

After gathering all the pertinent information, head to the vet clinic immediately. The sooner you get your furry pal treated, the lesser the chances of an unfavorable prognosis.

2. What Is the Most Toxic Fruit to Dogs?

Grapes is one of the most toxic fruit to dogs. It only takes ingesting a few grapes to cause fatal side effects in canines.

3. Are Apples Toxic to Dogs?

Apples are not entirely toxic to dogs, only their seeds. As long as you remove this poisonous part, the fruit can be safely fed to your canine friend.

4. Is Mango OK for Dogs?

Mango is OK for dogs to eat if fed in moderation. Do not share too much of the fruit with your furry pal since it is high in sugar.

Also, remember to get rid of the mango skin and pit because both of these parts are choking hazards and potential stomach obstructions.

5. Can I Feed My Dog Fruit Every Day?

When it comes to feeding your dog fruit, it’s important to keep in mind that they should only serve as an occasional treat, dogs should have no more than 10% of their daily calories come from treats or snacks outside their main diet. [source]

If you do plan on incorporating a certain fruit into your dog’s daily meals, it’s best to consult with your vet first. They can help you develop a nutritionally balanced meal plan for your dog.


While many fruits are considered safe for dogs, it’s important to discard any dangerous parts like seeds and skin. Remember, grapes are strictly off-limits for pups. While these fruits may be okay for a healthy pet, some may not be appropriate for any pets with a medical condition.

Be sure to talk to your veterinarian about appropriate treats if your pet has any medical issues. Looking for more healthy snack options? Check out our article on “What Vegetables Are Good for Dogs?

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