6 Natural Home Remedies for Dogs’ Itchy Skin

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The Can Dogs Eat It Team

6 Natural Home Remedies for Dogs’ Itchy Skin
Reading Time: 8 minutes

6 natural home remedies for dogs itchy skin infographicReduce your dog’s persistent skin itching with these simple and easy home remedies, utilizing natural anti-itch treatments commonly found in your kitchen.

1. Oatmeal

a bowl of oat flakes

Benefits of this dog itchy skin home remedy:

“How can I soothe my dog’s itchy skin?” is a question often asked by pawrents. Oatmeal can function as a skin soother for dogs experiencing incessant itchiness.

The water-binding polysaccharides and hydrocolloids in oatmeal promote moisture retention on the skin, softening and soothing it.

According to studies, this human food contains anti-inflammatory properties called avenanthramides, which alleviate skin irritation and itching.

How to use this dog itchy skin home remedy:

A colloidal oatmeal bath is an old-fashioned treatment for skin problems in humans. It is also safe to use as an itch relief for dogs. Create this home remedy by following these simple instructions:

  1. Grind plain oatmeal in a food processor or blender. Use 1/3 cup for small dogs and 1/2 cup for medium to large dogs.
  2. Test the oatmeal if it is ground finely. Mix 1 tablespoon of it in 2 cups of water. The liquid should gradually change into a milky white color. If this is not the result, grind the oatmeal until fine.
  3. Transfer the ground oatmeal to cheesecloth to avoid any mess.
  4. Run a lukewarm bath for your dog. The water’s temperature should not go beyond 90 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius).
  5. Place the cheesecloth in the tub and let your dog soak in it for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Give him colloidal oatmeal baths twice a week at most.


  • Oatmeal is not recommended for dogs with food allergies or sensitivities to wheat, gluten, or oats. Do a patch test if you are unsure that your dog has any of these conditions.
    If he experiences rashes, hair loss, and increased itchiness, avoid giving him oatmeal baths.
  • Do not allow your dog to soak in oatmeal baths frequently or for long periods. It will dry out his skin and worsen the itchiness.

2. Coconut Oil

a bottle of coconut oil

Benefits of this dog itchy skin home remedy:

Does coconut oil help dog itching? Coconut oil can provide dog itch relief. Its viscosity acts as a protective shield between inflamed skin and skin-irritating foreign objects like dust and dirt.

Coconut oil also provides a moisturizing effect on dry skin, reducing inflammation.

If you are wondering: “How can I treat my dog’s skin infection at home?” Coconut oil is also a good choice. It has a potent compound called lauric acid.

This chemical has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which help prevent skin infections caused by dog allergies and other dermatological problems.

How to use this dog itchy skin home remedy:

Use cold-pressed virgin coconut oil. This is extracted from harvested coconuts in a fast process, allowing the preservation of its beneficial properties.

Placed an anime-sized amount of coconut oil on your palm. Rub it between your hands for a few seconds to warm it up. Massage the coconut oil on your dog’s coat.

Do it for about 5 minutes to ensure that the oil becomes fully absorbed into his skin. Apply this dog itching home remedy at least 2 times a day.


Coconut oil is high in fats. Avoid applying it in large amounts on your dog’s body. He might try to lick it off, which can cause digestive ups, such as diarrhea. If his coat is too greasy, rinse off the extra oil with a mild dog shampoo.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

a bottle of apple cider vinegar

Benefits of this dog itchy skin home remedy:

What home remedy is good for dogs’ itchy skin? The mild acidity of apple cider vinegar is believed to help rebalance the pH levels of itchy skin in dogs. By keeping it stable, the symptoms of dog allergies and other skin issues are minimized.

Apple cider vinegar is also thought to alleviate itchiness caused by bug bites. Although these health benefits are only backed by anecdotal claims, it is worth giving this home remedy a try.

How to use this dog itchy skin home remedy:

Create an anti-itch spray for your furry pal by following these steps:

  1. Steep 2 bags of green tea in 1/2 cup warm water for 5 minutes. Allow it to cool down completely.
  2. In a clean spray bottle, combine half a cup of water with half a cup of apple cider vinegar.
  3. Pour the steeped green tea inside. Shake well until everything is properly mixed.
  4. Spritz the anti-itch home remedy on the affected areas of your dog’s skin.
  5. Use it at least 2–3 times a day to relieve your dog of itchiness and skin inflammation.

You can store this home remedy in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Let it warm to room temperature before using. Discard the mixture if molds start to form in the spray bottle.


The application of apple cider vinegar on broken skin, sores, or open wounds should be avoided. Be careful not to accidentally spray it on your dog’s ears and eyes too, or else it will cause a painful burning sensation.

4. Baking Soda

a bowl of baking soda

Benefits of this dog itchy skin home remedy:

Baking soda serves another purpose aside from being a food ingredient. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe your dog’s itchy skin.

The antiseptic properties of baking soda slow down harmful bacteria growth and prevent skin infections.

How to use this dog itchy skin home remedy:

Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with equal parts of water to form a thick anti-itch paste for your pooch. Smear it on the affected areas of his skin.

Leave the paste for 20 minutes before washing it off. Baking soda can dry up your dog’s skin, so apply a dog-safe moisturizer on him afterward. Coconut oil is a good option because of its skin-soothing properties.


Do not leave the baking soda paste on your dog for a long time. As we have mentioned, it can have a drying effect on the skin, which exacerbates itching.

5. Fish Oil

fish oil

Benefits of this dog itchy skin home remedy:

What can I give my dog orally for itchy skin? Fish oil is a suitable oral home remedy for dogs with itchy skin.

It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Both of these healthy fats can soothe skin flare-ups and mitigate inflammation in dogs.

How to use this dog itchy skin home remedy:

Fish oil supplements for dogs are not regulated. Thus, dog owners must be very particular when choosing a dog product. Certain factors should be considered before making a final purchase.

Check the label ensures that the fish oil contains both EPA and DHA. Dogs with itchy skin can benefit more from productive higher levels of EPA than DHA.

According to researchers and veterinary dermatologists, the recommended dosage of EPA and DHA for dogs with skin allergies is roughly 25 milligrams of body weight once a day.

For instance, if you have a 30-pound dog, he requires around 750 milligrams of EPA and DHA from fish oil.

The positive results of fish oil do not show immediately. It would take around 60 days for the home remedy to display its full effect, so be patient and avoid skipping doses.


  • Avoid overdosing your dog on fish oil. It is loaded with fats, which can upset your dog’s stomach if ingested in large amounts. Other unwanted side effects might also occur, such as flaky skin and increased itchiness.
  • Fish oil may interact with certain drugs. If your dog is taking medications, consult the vet before using this home remedy.

6. Natural Fresh Food

Benefits of this dog itchy skin home remedy:

a dog is scratching his neck
What to feed dogs with itchy skin? Feeding fresh food to your dog with itchy skin is recommended. Unlike many commercial dog food, it is rich in natural nutrients and free from allergy-inducing preservatives.

Switching your furry pal to this type of diet also gives you more idea of what ingredients go into his meals. It gives you more control over which food to exclude to avoid triggering his food allergies.

What to look for:

Several things should be taken into consideration when selecting fresh dog food for your pooch:

1. Go for natural food rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

We have discussed earlier that omega-3s are essential in relieving skin irritation and inflammation in dogs. Several fresh foods naturally produce these healthy fats, including:

If feeding your dog fresh food is not feasible, look for fish-based commercial dog food. Its primary ingredient is fish protein, which usually comes from salmon, tuna, or mackerel. These types of fish are good sources of omega 3-fatty acids.

2. Consider going grain-free in certain circumstances.

A grain-free diet is not a cure-all for dog allergies. However, it can be useful to some canines.

While grain allergies and sensitivities are uncommon in dogs, they can still occur. Pooches suffering from these kinds of health issues can benefit from grain-free dog food.

It should be mentioned that this type of diet has been linked to a canine heart disease called dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM.

However, further research is required to definitively prove these claims. With this in mind, ask the vet’s advice before swappingap your dog’s regular meals with grain-free dog food.

3. Go for organic fresh dog food.

Fresh food is devoid of preservatives. But it may be exposed to harmful chemicals such as toxic pesticides and fertilizers. You do not want your dog consuming these compounds.

Thus, opt to buy organically grown and produced food products. If you are buying fruits or vegetables, look for the USDA’s official green and white organic seal.

Another way is to check for a sticker containing the PLU number. Organic produce consists of 5 numbers and the first number will always be 9.

When it comes to meat, grass-fed sourced products are the best choice. That is because they come from animals grown in a natural environment and fed natural food. They are not pumped with antibiotics and hormones.

To find high-quality grass-fed meat, the package should contain one or more third-party certification logos from reputable organizations like American Grassfed Association or Food Alliance Grassfed.

Also, look for a claim that ends with “Grass Finished.” This means that the animal was fed grass for its entire life.


Diet changes should be done gradually to keep your dog from suffering from tummy troubles. Here is a simple guideline on how to do this process:

  • Day 1–2: Combine 25% new food with 75% old food
  • Day 3–4: Combine 50% new food with 50% old food
  • Day 5–4: Combine 75% new food with 25% old food
  • Day 7: Transition to 100% new food

A gradual transition is key for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Allow at least a few weeks or a month for a successful full food transition, and be sure not to rush the process to avoid other potential health issues beyond skin irritation. With patience and diligence, you can help your pup achieve optimal health and comfort.

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